Looking for fun laid back guild

Hi all. Looking for a new guild due to my old one fizzing out over lockdown. Currently play both Horde/Ally on Stormscale/Silvermoon/Outland but don’t mind rerolling on another server. Looking for quite a social guild that covers all aspects with new content and old content for achievements :slight_smile:

Hey I help run a small guild on Draenor and we are currently recruiting for mythic keys!
Feel free to read about us and get in touch :slight_smile:

[H] [Draenor] <The Petite Feet> Recruiting for M+!

Hey Valiriah

If you’d like to stay on Alliance side you can look our group up. We are a small, mature player community. We like to group up a lot, have a chat and a laugh together.
We raid once a week, run mythic+, and older content for pets, mounts and achies along with many other stuff.

If you are interested feel free to get in touch Sil182#2743

Take care and have fun!
