Looking for good guild, which does raids and Mythic+

As a title say, I’m looking for a friendly guild, which does raids and mythic+ … At the moment I’m mostly playing Blood DK, but can play Unholy or Frost, if needed, can make a ranged class as well ( only if the guild has multiple tanks which are running Mythic+ keys ), like Hunter or Druid.
Factions doesn’t really matter for me, I can re-roll to different faction or realm if needed.

Hello, bud we are a raiding guild who has come together on silvermoon, we raid twice a week and run keys together, we could use a off spec tank and dps main, have lots a few dps spots left for ranged if you are interested, give me a message for more information. my B.n is Araura666#21930

We like us blood dks here for m+ :japanese_ogre: see if its something u like.

Hi Flaiko
Please read about us here : [H] [Vehemence] [Hellfire/Arathor]
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care in meantime :wink:

we are raiding guild on Draenor (Horde). We are looking for frost DK but also a tank for M+ and as backup in raids. We are 2/8M but we are doing weekly HC also if you are interested and want more infomation add me: RedVelvet#21116

Hi Flaiko,

We are a laidback and chill guild where we value Brainlevel over Ilvl. We are called Detox for a Reason: A place with no drama, where we value that people have lives outside the game, but get serious when we raid. We have a couple of tanks in the guild who also play other roles so we are flexible in switching around when necessary.

Have a look if our guild could interest you and I’m happy to take the time and chat.

If we don’t hear from you, happy guildhunting :slight_smile:


We are a 4/8 M soon 5/8M raiding guild that boosts a lot of M+ on a daily basis. We are looking for mostly ranged DPS as we need to get Fetid down ASAP. If you are interested please add me arya7#2306

Hey, still looking? We’re pushing heroic maybe some mythic raids and lots of high keys. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/recruitment/guild-recruitment

John#27809 if you want to have a chat

Hey lad , would love to have a small chat with you about taking you aboard as a m+ tank aswell as a possible fall in for raid tank if one of our tanks and their back ups can’t make it in time.
