Looking for group to play with

Looking for group to play with.

About me

  • 23 Years old
  • From Belgium
  • Playing WoW since early Cata
  • Likes to play casually but efficient

My problem

So basically, at the start of classic I had a bunch of friends ready to play with; however, some joined one server while the others joined another. Then thanks to the queue’s and people having to work and not wanting to use teamviewer, they also swapped server. Now I have around 15 people split over 5 different servers and factions. I then went back to retail and stopped playing as I didn’t enjoy it and I wanted to take my time to level and enjoy / explore the game. Bit later all of my friends dinged 60 and started progressing their gear. So I wanted to try it again with the same issue of not having a server where I have a group of people that are actively playing. So eventually I got bored of it again because I didn’t want to play all alone, dinging 60 without a place to go.

What I’m looking for

Honestly, a solid medium to large group of people/friends that are playing the game (either a lot or casual) and just having a good time, being active on discord maybe, in guildchat, …

I’ve played retail quite seriously so I’m not new to the game, however, I do consider myself a noob when it comes to Classic WoW.

(Alliance prefered, but idm both)

Apologies, I’m not sure from your post whether you want to join a Classic guild (maybe try the classic forums?) or are looking for people in BfA. If the latter, maybe consider these guys:

Only some of us bite.

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