Looking for guild


I’ve recently started playing World of Warcraft again, and I’m looking for an active guild (preferably Horde) that’s willing to take in a social butterfly.

My RL situation at the moment doesn’t allow me to commit to a fixed schedule for raiding or running mythic dungeons, and given that I haven’t actively played since Pandaria, there’s simply too much for me to catch up on.

So I’m looking for a guild where I can just have my characters, have people online to chat with, and helps me out now and then with clearing content.
Can’t say that the “random groups” so far have been welcoming or fun to run dungeons with :confused:

Forgot to post on the correct character…
But yes, looking for a guild for my Horde one :confused:

Hey there,

We’re currently looking to recruit social members so may be an option for you. I’ll add a link to our most recent recruitment post below.

Happy to have a chat in game or on discord if you have questions or would like more info. My discord is ellie7765.

Good luck :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ll be in touch. Still trying to figure out for myself, what it is that I really want to be playing at the moment.

“We wing it” is a newly formed social (and casual M+ dungeons) guild for friendly, mature players. If you want to have fun and play with helpful people you will fit right in! Oh, and… if we don’t know the tactics… we wing it!

Hey there,

If your still looking for a place to call home then you sound like you would fit right in with us x

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