Hi there Dijkstra,
I suppose the character name you chose has had its background (I’m a software engineer too ).
Perhaps my guild, BEAST on Eonar-EU, could be an interesting choice for you.
It is a fairly small guild (with future growth ambition) that does a few mythic 5-mans each week, but is not yet ready for raiding in terms of experience and size.
Because we’re not that big there is much room for personal attention as well.
This guild was started by me because the GM of my previous guild had died after which the guild slowly fell apart. The primary goal for BEAST is to bring people together and learn from eachother how to become better.
If you’re interested have a peak at our recruitment thread: [A][Eonar] <BEAST> seeks you! Do you have what it takes to..... make fun? Experience a fun time with great people in our guild!