Looking for Horde Roleplay

Sage goes in all fields

Even with the elves I remember the rule that they have to use Forsaken model, and only when the Darkfallen customization was released were elf models allowed (as long as they used the Darkfallen customization).

Can’t blame them for that. The aesthetic would have been ruined by a bunch of living looking elves in Forsaken gear.

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Yes, I accidentally omitted this in an edit. It had the unintentional added benefit of filtering out those who were attached to pristine/sexy/pretty looking elf models over the concept of the guild

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Man why does that sound familiar…

Time to swoop in some facts! Because, unlike you, I can link proofs to support my claims. Starting with the infamous Rotgarde debate - look at what they were saying themselves and how it contradicts what you saying right now:

So, back then y’all were arguing that Rotgarde has so many different kinds on Undead, and when I asked them to be more specific with their advertisement everyone attacked me for that and tried to convince me otherwise. Now you are basically agreeing with me when you are saying that all along they had only been accepting the human undead. Tsk-tsk-tsk.

Now let’s get back to the concept of the guild. The Forsaken is (or at least used to be) a faction that consisted of many, many species of sentient Undead. “While comprised primarily of undead humans, the Forsaken are a diverse faction that include several different races at their biological core. However, they have all assumed their racial identity as “Forsaken,” due to their shared goals and loyalties.”

So in addition to our pretty little humans there were also Darkfallen, Death Knights, abominations, ghouls, ghosts, geists, wraiths, banshees, leper gnomes, skeletons, and god knows what else… The primary thing being that they were all undead and serving a common leader. What Rotgarde did was basically assume and twist this grand concept and turn it into a very tight space. And I especially like it when you’re using this argument:

So when someone wants to be an undead elf you automatically assume that they are some kinds of p*rvs who are only in it for the shexy looks? Interesting approach. Which is, surprisingly enough (not really), not applied to our dear precious High Elves who have relentlessly invaded the Alliance and devoured the RP scene there. But whenever someone points that out, you would jump in and defend the Quel’dorei rights and say how it’s perfectly okay to stretch the lore to fit in all these High Elves into poor SW. A little hypocritical, I’d say.

You really are committed to making enemies from every demographic…

It’s definitely best to stop, btw. Spending all this time arguing so relentlessly on the forums will improve your RL by absolutely nilch. It’s a net loss in every sense. Even if you convince some people here you’re right, (and we’re are only a tiny portion of AD’s playerbase); it won’t make a shred of difference to the rest of your gaming, or indeed your life.

You’ve nothing to gain. So might as well stop!

(Which I’ll also do now.)


Which is their prerogative. Guilds can fill whatever niche they want. If their stance was a mostly human guild then that’s the end of the discussion. Now, bore off and stop turning every god damn thread into something about you and your tepid beefs.


Despite me not liking the High Elves as a playable race, I never said people should stop playing them. But I used them as an example of one thing being welcomed with open arms by the general playerbase and another thing (non-hostile Darkfallen) being frowned upon. That’s when some goblin gals might get back here and start this argument again “But what about fel orcs in the church??”, but I’ve already addressed this issue as well.

While this is true, the initial argument started with people being against all Undead in a normal casual friendly setting (apart from these humans ones). Rotgarde just had a misfortune of getting dragged into the mess, which wouldn’t have happened if their advertisement was accurate and true to begin with. People just got used to them being the epitome of Forsaken RP, which they weren’t, as it turns out. Sad story.

Did OP find the horde RP he was looking for?

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If i give you the validation you want and upvote one of your posts with every one of my alt that can upvote, will you get off the forums?

I believe so, yes. Grim Geist

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Nice, good to hear he at least reached his goal.

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I’ve calmed down, I’m good now, guys. Peace.

We’ll see

There’s no contradiction, though?

Those are exceptions to the norm, hence there being no contradiction. You did not play a Dark Ranger. They were as specific as they had to be.

Yeah. Almost all of those are unplayable and wouldn’t fit the Rotgarde’s aesthetic as a deathguard regiment. They still accepted both abominations and lepers, but those were, as I said, exceptions that prove the norm.

let chaos reign

Lakeworth is right, the guild did also take leper gnomes and abominations. For obvious reasons, these were played extremely rarely and abominations especially were more or less limited to one at a time. Perhaps you could’ve tried playing one of those : )

That’s not what my words mean but don’t worry, English isn’t my language either. Hope this helps:

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean because I do not care about high elves or Stormwind

OP! By the way, I totally forgot.

A good Discord to join, specially if you are Horde, is RP_Announce

It’s basically a Discord group and it does what is says it does. You can announce a place on Argent Dawn and the RP you are going to have there, it doesn’t even have to be an event, it can also be you just fishing in Durotar and wishing for some walk-up RP. You can also check for events, guild invites, or other people you’ll like to walk up outside the usual RP hubs.

Link: Discord > /fqvX5SQe

I can’t add full links. But you can also Google them up by ‘RP Announce Argent Dawn’ or something. Peace <3


That’s the thing. The Forsaken faction is not limited to just dead humans and dark rangers. There are soooo many more other species in it. Therefore, a claim that “we do forsaken rp! all undead are welcome!” is a false, misleading ad. No wonder other people were confused and kept bringing it up when someone talked about Undead RP. I’m pretty sure no one would ever attack Rotgarde (looking at myself rn, lol) if they described their concept truthfully and didn’t start arguing with me after I pointed it out.

No wonder the guild fell apart then. Only one spot open? That’s crazy. And then someone would be saying “Undead / Forsaken RP is not popular, people don’t wanna play it these days”. They do, trust me, they do! But then they bump into people like Rotgarde, and see GMs saying “we have only four spots for dark rangers, which are already taken by our friends, and if you are another type of undead don’t even think about joining us”.

Alright, sorry then. But I find it a little unsettling when people link a desire to play elves to smth so… obscene? An undead is already a “gross” concept, because you are admitting that your character once died and is now living a hard life of an outcast with some restrictions. So to me personally (!) (you might think otherwise) it doesn’t really matter if it’s an elf or a zombie-looking model, you already stepped on this path of undeath. Not saying there are no people who wouldn’t acknowledge this and just try to be “pretty sylvie models”, but, then again, most High elves don’t give a care about their race’s story and place in this world, so… It can happen anywhere.

I always thought Rotgarde were supposed to be a forsaken military group. I don’t think a guild could reliably represent the entirety of the Forsaken. Even if they did, it’s still their choice what sort of people they recruit.