Looking for Horde Roleplay

Time to swoop in some facts! Because, unlike you, I can link proofs to support my claims. Starting with the infamous Rotgarde debate - look at what they were saying themselves and how it contradicts what you saying right now:

So, back then y’all were arguing that Rotgarde has so many different kinds on Undead, and when I asked them to be more specific with their advertisement everyone attacked me for that and tried to convince me otherwise. Now you are basically agreeing with me when you are saying that all along they had only been accepting the human undead. Tsk-tsk-tsk.

Now let’s get back to the concept of the guild. The Forsaken is (or at least used to be) a faction that consisted of many, many species of sentient Undead. “While comprised primarily of undead humans, the Forsaken are a diverse faction that include several different races at their biological core. However, they have all assumed their racial identity as “Forsaken,” due to their shared goals and loyalties.”

So in addition to our pretty little humans there were also Darkfallen, Death Knights, abominations, ghouls, ghosts, geists, wraiths, banshees, leper gnomes, skeletons, and god knows what else… The primary thing being that they were all undead and serving a common leader. What Rotgarde did was basically assume and twist this grand concept and turn it into a very tight space. And I especially like it when you’re using this argument:

So when someone wants to be an undead elf you automatically assume that they are some kinds of p*rvs who are only in it for the shexy looks? Interesting approach. Which is, surprisingly enough (not really), not applied to our dear precious High Elves who have relentlessly invaded the Alliance and devoured the RP scene there. But whenever someone points that out, you would jump in and defend the Quel’dorei rights and say how it’s perfectly okay to stretch the lore to fit in all these High Elves into poor SW. A little hypocritical, I’d say.