Looking for Horde Roleplay

I believe so, yes. Grim Geist

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Nice, good to hear he at least reached his goal.

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I’ve calmed down, I’m good now, guys. Peace.

We’ll see

There’s no contradiction, though?

Those are exceptions to the norm, hence there being no contradiction. You did not play a Dark Ranger. They were as specific as they had to be.

Yeah. Almost all of those are unplayable and wouldn’t fit the Rotgarde’s aesthetic as a deathguard regiment. They still accepted both abominations and lepers, but those were, as I said, exceptions that prove the norm.

let chaos reign

Lakeworth is right, the guild did also take leper gnomes and abominations. For obvious reasons, these were played extremely rarely and abominations especially were more or less limited to one at a time. Perhaps you could’ve tried playing one of those : )

That’s not what my words mean but don’t worry, English isn’t my language either. Hope this helps:

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean because I do not care about high elves or Stormwind

OP! By the way, I totally forgot.

A good Discord to join, specially if you are Horde, is RP_Announce

It’s basically a Discord group and it does what is says it does. You can announce a place on Argent Dawn and the RP you are going to have there, it doesn’t even have to be an event, it can also be you just fishing in Durotar and wishing for some walk-up RP. You can also check for events, guild invites, or other people you’ll like to walk up outside the usual RP hubs.

Link: Discord > /fqvX5SQe

I can’t add full links. But you can also Google them up by ‘RP Announce Argent Dawn’ or something. Peace <3


That’s the thing. The Forsaken faction is not limited to just dead humans and dark rangers. There are soooo many more other species in it. Therefore, a claim that “we do forsaken rp! all undead are welcome!” is a false, misleading ad. No wonder other people were confused and kept bringing it up when someone talked about Undead RP. I’m pretty sure no one would ever attack Rotgarde (looking at myself rn, lol) if they described their concept truthfully and didn’t start arguing with me after I pointed it out.

No wonder the guild fell apart then. Only one spot open? That’s crazy. And then someone would be saying “Undead / Forsaken RP is not popular, people don’t wanna play it these days”. They do, trust me, they do! But then they bump into people like Rotgarde, and see GMs saying “we have only four spots for dark rangers, which are already taken by our friends, and if you are another type of undead don’t even think about joining us”.

Alright, sorry then. But I find it a little unsettling when people link a desire to play elves to smth so… obscene? An undead is already a “gross” concept, because you are admitting that your character once died and is now living a hard life of an outcast with some restrictions. So to me personally (!) (you might think otherwise) it doesn’t really matter if it’s an elf or a zombie-looking model, you already stepped on this path of undeath. Not saying there are no people who wouldn’t acknowledge this and just try to be “pretty sylvie models”, but, then again, most High elves don’t give a care about their race’s story and place in this world, so… It can happen anywhere.

I always thought Rotgarde were supposed to be a forsaken military group. I don’t think a guild could reliably represent the entirety of the Forsaken. Even if they did, it’s still their choice what sort of people they recruit.


t. I have no idea how rare leper gnome / abomination roleplayers are
Those spots remained unoccupied by anyone for the majority of the guild’s lifespan

The fact is that characters with elf models appeal to more players than characters with undead models. Nobody owes anybody a justification or an apology for making sure the intended undead aesthetic is retained even after Dark Rangers become playable. If the guild feels they have enough elf model characters, too bad. Weigh how much you want to partake in the guild concept and whether you’re willing to use an undead model instead. If not, too bad

Sexiness (one of the three words I used) is not an obscene concept in and of itself, and again, if you read what I wrote, you’d see I was talking about people who are so bent on using an elf model that they refuse to use any other. Before Darkfallen customizations, Dark Rangers still existed in the guild, they were simply played by people using the undead model

Unfortunately for others it does

Blood elf models by default have animations, stances, and voice lines that do not fit the undead aesthetic. A few of the Forsaken elite is good. Too many both muddles the unit’s looks and waters down the elite status of Dark Rangers

I still have no idea why you keep bringing High Elves into this


Some sort of deflection over the quality of other roleplayers as a defense or something.

But if there’s bad RP on the alliance side, does that mean you’re obligated to open up your own guild to it?

That is exactly the reason I keep bringing up High Elves. Because this game mechanics argument works in both ways, depending on what you’re trying to prove. I can say “But Void Elves have voices and racials that do not fit the High Elves aesthetics!” and people will say “But these kinds of things have no impact on RP whatsoever, duh.” Or I can say “But Blood Elf stances, voice lines, and other game things don’t take anything away from them being Undead elves? Especially if you use the Darkfallen eyes/skin pack and throw in some suitable sinister-looking armor?” That’s why this argument is a double agent.

Okay, but the Rotgarde still has no obligation to water out their guild aesthetic with more blood elf models than needed.

This argument would work if I felt differently about High Elves than I do about Blood Elves but I’m afraid I don’t
I don’t play either, I don’t play with either, I have zero interest in either

You’re correct, they’re still undead elves. What they take away from is a decade-established aesthetic of a Forsaken military guild. Call it the “vibes” if you will

You mean to tell me guilds can choose who they do and don’t recruit?


You are the only one confused by it.

What this doesn’t change is that the Rotgarde as a guild represented a Deathguard regiment, not the Forsaken as a whole. Thus the undead they accepted were your average Forsaken, an undead human raised either during the Third War or by the Val’kyr.

Abominations and leper gnomes are difficult to play, you cannot make one as your character; you have to use prisms to depict one. Dark Rangers, as I have told you repeatedly, are the Forsaken’s elite. They are not rank and file troopers, that is why only a handful of them were accepted by the Rotgarde.

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I’ve heard rumours of such foul sorceries circulating amongst the people who curate the quality of their RP…

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Yeah, but instead of admitting this openly they started to argue with me that they actually do accept all sorts of Undead races, it’s just [insert the dark ranger rant here and the long discussion about the forsaken races…]. If they explained honestly that their goal is human undead military RP, then there would be no problem. But they tried to prove me wrong and got everything tangled. That was the main problem. I called them out for misleading description and then it was intertwined with the huge undead rp debate.

Before my guild I throw my warlike standards. Lay on, stranger, and damned be him that first cries “Hold, enough! I change my concept!”

You were told all of this. Repeatedly. The limitations and why they were put in place were explained to you. Repeatedly.