Looking for RP guild (alliance)

Hello, I am looking for a RP guild that can teach me RP basics and the lore. I am new to WoW RP, but I have done some attempts at it however with another guild which I sadly was removed from.

If any guilds in the alliance guilds looking for a new comer and trainee in rp/lore. Look no further! I can provide my discord, I only ask for a message BEFORE discord guild/server invite! I do not wish to hear my discord explode by invites!

Note: I am working part-time inrl so my response times vary.


Hello there! The Twelfth Penal Company might just be for you. We are a military guild comprised of convicts who serve their sentence in the military rather than in their cells. Redemption via the Light is there if you wish to Persue it, note however we are a military guild.

Ooc we are happy to discuss your character, make suggestions and welcome you to WOW rp :slight_smile:


Nice to see we’ve another fledgling RPer. I find most guilds are open to teaching people new to RP, after all, we all started somewhere.

I think the first thing you need to do is decide what you want your character to be, and then find the guild that suits it. Otherwise you run the risk of tailoring your character to the guild, giving them quirks and sensibilities that, while fitting with a guild’s theme, aren’t necessarily what you find enjoyable to play, but feel you need to in order to stay in the guild.

Most guilds, I think, mirror Kaibyrne’s sentiment. We’re all happy to just talk to you about what you want to be, and make suggestions. And most of us are pretty knowledgable about the lore of Wow.

Looking forward to seeing you around. :slight_smile:


I’m currently logging into the game as my main toon/character, the names Longfurd if it helps find me, I am OOC in Freehold for leveling/questing needs.

Drop a message, I can provide my discord via that method of chat haha.


Will contact you soon, Greytide is correct too. It’s ok if your character does not fit the guild there will be others out there for You!


Understandable, thanks for the advice so far :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe our Discord channel will help you finding some RP and/or guild? If not, we are a nice bunch of folks, too: A LFRP Discord


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