Looks like things are really getting out of hand

I’m not making this Tread Personal Jay, and they don’t have EPIC in rated.

Just play with one group max and we have no problem.


This is oQueue all over again, just slightly less automated because of AddOn API restrictions Blizzard made last decade to kill oQueue

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As if you people are even remotely interested in having a fair fight.


thanks for sharing it! <3

ooof. this landed home.

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It’s an even fight it’s really rarely we have 40 people Que mostly it’s just 2 groups…

I founded this new community a week ago, we want to host premade VS premade epic bgs and world PVP events. We are quickly growing, almost 200 members already. Already got notable premade leaders like Zenie or Drex to join. Check out “war game central” in the community finder.

The limit for normal epic bgs is 5 players.
The limit exists for a reason.
If you want to play in syncs, play against other premades in war games or play rated 10v10 premade RBGs.

If there are no war games happening rn, well…
Join my community and help us make them happen.
This slaughtering of casuals with sync premades in epic bgs has to end.


Blizz won’t do anything about it, the only genuine way to improve PVP in this game is to simple not play it any more. Won’t matter what Blizzard or anyone else does, as long as you have those types of players then they will be forever searching for new ways to avoid having to actually play the game for themselves.

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Dev here. There are no illegal addons.

Addons are LUA scripts using blizzards LUA interpreter and blizzaards LUA API. You cant do anything with an addon script which blizzards does not want you to do.

You cant “register” addons.

I have my own addons running on my PC only … There are third parties like curseforge who host addon repositories for the community to download, but that has nothing to do with registration.

You write or copy LUA scripts and run them. Thats an addon.

The rules are simple btw. Everything you can do with the API is allowed, exploits of functions which should be protected but arent is the exception, see the kick exploit last addon. As long as they dont use third party programs and everything runs inside wows lua API, theres nothing wrong about ToS. If parts of the addon use functions which are flagged as protected but work anyways that would be an exploit and is bannable, but i doubt it.

On topic. Yes syncing sucks and blizz could disable the core API functions to break the addon from working. But there is no rule to publish the scripts you write. And theres no magic behind those. You copy them inside the wow folder, the game runs them. And you can only use features which are implemented in the blizz LUA interpreter.

TL,DR: Syncing sucks. But there are no illigal addons. There is no addon registry, Everything runs in blizzards own sandbox and for that everything which is possible is allowed. There is a chance that they might use protected functions, which regulary would throw an error, but i doubt it.


They could look into it and purge more functions which would break it. Seems they have forgot some.

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I’m an author too and if they wanted to prevent people from communicating queue status to others for the purpose of syncing and dodging that would mean removing the ability to query BG queue state or disabling ways of exchanging info between players (SendAddonMessage, SendChatMessage but also community chat and other things)

The second route is obviously giga heavy handed so maybe they could just hide queue state from addons, but then that means that the base UI queue state elements must also be set to restricted themselves

Seems like a lot of work to try to discourage people from syncing through addons
And obviously the tryhards communities can just do it manually over voice chat

This is both a community problem and a design problem.
The design problem can be tackled by improving the epic BG/random BG matchmaking: merging factions (and regions for random BG), introducing MMR… stuff could be done if Blizzard cared


the truth is they don’t want to play against another premade or fair and square/have a challenging match. they want to nuke and stomp randoms and then feel good about themselves. rinse and repeat. even a small 5ppl q tends to avoid another 5ppl q

the second private addon exists for this particular reason.


The Reddit & YouTube Video is about US WoW.

USA WoW has built an addon that scans the Quick Join function to see if people Queue or leave the queue, (Any weak aura / LUA Script does this like normal if you’re IN that community / battle.net friendlist)
Its called Community Flair (DETAILS) and its 100% private addon made by a community leader within the USA Servers that’s not public (So only 1-2 people max might have this addon)

EU WoW Premades doesn’t have these addons. EU uses BGC addon that’s it.
There is No special addon that forces you into a queue that bypasses any function within WoW.

Those people and community members should be permabanned

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Yes, I believe this is true for many sync players. They want to win on easy mode.
Some of them might still be down for a challenge. They are invited to join.
I talked to Zenie and they said their community would be up for such a war game.

But the community does not just target sync players. I would like to explore new community driven pvp events.

Dreadx from undefeated forever told me about his plans to fight over open world PVP objectives in outland, which could be fun. We want to check it out in a smaller format first, like 15v15, but if its fun, we could up the scale and host a 50v50 or something crazy like that. Or we could prepare 2 teams and fight over Tol Barad, which is still in the game and can be played. We have around 250 members as of now, steadily growing. Soon stuff like this and actual war games will be possible to host.

If that new communities takes some of the players who would normally play in sync premades out of the epic queues, it’s just a bonus.

Did this for Years ? When you played Horde right ?

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They’re not. It’s a glaring honor farm, and honor means gold cuz vicious gems exist. Maybe if they finally introduced some sort of balancing in honor gains, the problem would subside, because there’s literally 0 reason to get the same amount of honor for a rated game at 0 cr just like you would at 2400 cr.

It has been an issue way before those Stones made it into the Game.


interresting point but truth is theres more honor in 10vs10 than in 40vs40.
Easier to organize, faster and sync into too.

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