[Lore] Gilneas following the Fourth War?

Excuse me ?
I thought Denholme did it back in Drums of War ?
Confused now !

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Forsaken Construction workers get paid overtime.

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Don’t speak that name in these lands…

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Question is… Is he who shall not be named still around?

Sorry? Demolish? If i remember correctly Koiffen, nothing was demolished, what did happen is that people were ordered to burn what could be burned, stuff like tents, supplies and stuff like that. I don’t know where you got the idea something was demolished. And besides, i was NOT in command in neither of the Silverpine campaigns, so i could hardly even command anything remotely as big as that.


Pretty sure you organised that mess.

Hahaha, shows how much you know, mate. I DID organise the second one, but i was NOT in charge of the Alliance forces.

And the alleged destruction of the Sepulcher you are mentioning happened in the first one, if i am not mistaken. Where i was definitely not in charge of anything. No wait, i was, i was in command of the scouts, if memory serves.


Scroll down to the entire Alliance force waltzing about, what is in lore, a Horde fortress.

I think the poor organisational skills explain the mess, at least.

As an aside, you shouldn’t have been able to be there, because actually there’s a whole guild who just weren’t online :wink:

Sorry, remind me, wasn’t this Drums of War part two? Where Alliance forces were meant to drive the Horde towards Undercity where we were supposed to have one last fight on the night before BfA started? Meaning…well, Horde forces were driven out of Silverpine? Before we all retreated back to SW lore wise to heal and recuperate after Undercity was made a death trap?

As for the Silverpine campaign that I organized, there is only so much one can do when the opposing side suddenly has a lack of 100 players, you know, 200 apply, 100 show up on the day the campaign starts?

I did the most of what i could with such massive numbers imbalance, to the point of telling the Alliance that they would be fighting in turns, every other day. And as we all know, stuff happens even in the most organized campaigns, let alone a campaign made by a first time organizer.

As for your last comment, most of our chars are parked in Keel harbor, and are effectively there, even if we are not online, since, ofc, we can’t be online 24/7, well, at least i can’t be. So if you show up at 3 in the morning and you say you did something, we will not acknowledge that just as i would not expect someone to acknowledge something like that if i did it.

I’ve made no reference to Drums of War 2 so you bringing it up is pointless.

9 in the evening sounds reasonable for most people. Maybe you guys just don’t RP there as often as you claim.

An RP-PvP campaign in which players enter a base of the opposite faction during an engagement? Absolutely unheard of. Utterly lore breaking. The baddest of badrp.

I think you can understand that it’s silly to claim a crucial place like this was captured because acceptance on that scale leads to server lore the likes of which might make even Moonguard blush.

Actually, you know what, you are correct. I just remembered that fight, we attacked from the side, which is more or less not walled up. After a LONG (2 hours of fighting i believe) fight we pushed the Horde away only to retreat away from it right away, since we naturally don’t have the forces to hold such a place.

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This is a detail I wasn’t aware of, so I’ll gladly accept that I was wrong. What I heard from attendees that evening and saw in the screenshots implied a total occupation, not just a push into and back out of the area.

Except you’re the one claiming it was captured/destroyed. Wilcöx has been saying the opposite all along.

I listed the screenshots that to me implied the place was captured, what with the planting of banners all over the place and RP-walking through the graveyard. Wilcox has already corrected me, so I don’t quite get your stake in this.

Now, i speak from memory here, which may not be all too good, but in the campaign i organized, we did, yes, attack Sepulcher, which was agreed with the Horde to be done, we pushed them away, looted the place of stuff (like books, supplies and stuff like that), i’m not sure if we even burned anything…then we retreated since we were too exposed there.

I am a firm believer of NOT claiming any building/village/city. At best, we reside there and protect the place. But that’s it.

I think one way of handling it is to consider Keel Harbour in-game to only represent a smaller portion of the world - as we all know, Azeroth is actually much larger than it looks. So, essentially, if nobody is around to spot the ghouls picking at the bones, maybe from an in-character perspective it merely happened further away, where your characters aren’t keeping watch?

I think that’s generally the best way to deal with “ownership” of locations and the simple fact that people aren’t roleplaying 24/7.

Yes, but if a person says they opened inside the city/village then…they probably did. And if that were Gilneas city for example, we could say its in some different quarter. But Keel is like 6 houses altogether, clumped around the dock. So no way about it.