Lower anima cost

Please. Seriously, looking at those 2 beads of 35 restored anima that spawn once a day, while fully upgrading one sanctum utility cost 20000, while each piece of transmog cost 4000, while mount, pet and all cost thousands also…

I am at a point where spending a full day grinding anima and getting 1500 of it woth a lot of luck, being at the right time of the week, and doing every single thing in the SL is satisfying, while I know it wil just disappear in one little thing, of be done again again for one bigger thing.

I honestly prefer this to the tedious grinding of some allied races (nightborn uuhhh), but when you launch the game and see there is not enough anima activities, it is just discouraging

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Yes, this is intentional design that is in place to prevent you to overfarm anima this early in expansion.

Over time you can expect anima generation to increase as you advance through renown levels in future patches.

That make a lot of sense. Tho I am just wasting time that is what you mean xD. We ll see with time I guess

The recent achievements have increased our earning capacity nicely even if you only upgrade them to rank 1 then to 2 then 3. More anima increases are currently showing on the PTR as part of our renown tree as well.

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