Madskillz the bothunter got death threats irl

I´m not so sure. Back in the day gms banned bots purely based on a visual observation and after messing with them


Either you missed my point, or you nonchalantly ignored it. Take some time to think of the implication, for the botters are around for the sole reason that a wider part of the community buy gold, or have bought gold in the past, and as such, they’d all be gone as well. We’re not talking about a handful of players…

An speaking of which, should all the bot farmed gold be removed from the game? for that is the reason why the economy is screwed up on each server, and what effects would that have, on all the innocent players that acquired gold through the AH that was originally farmed by a bot?

Perhaps you dont understand the meaning of the response “and water is wet”

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just add a overwatch system like Counter strke and Dota 2 lol

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Or, you know, do nothing. 5 people will talk on forums and move on. No downsides, only free subs.

Thank you for proving my point. Madskillzzhc, if you’re still reading the WoW forums, then I wish you the best of luck bud!


Everybody that ever purchased gold illicitly, or paid for a boost with their credit card, is explicitly at fault in this. Because these “players” are the ones that made it lucrative for the bot mafia in the first place.

Because if nobody ever bought gold, botting would have died out in OG classic because there wouldn´t have been any money to make. And whining about how expensive an Epic mount was and is even today, then turning around and buying gold from X, doesn´t make you smart… it makes you THE problem.

And even if you just know people that have done so, yet continue to play with them, you´re essentially just an accomplice, because by continuing to play with them you are actively rewarding them for helping to cause this, because they they get what they want, and everyone else has to pay the price.


What point is that? That you are dense?

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Would you say that it is possible to repair the damage that has already been done to the economy on each server? and if so, what would you purpose?

An would you argue that Blizzard should ban all the gold buyers too, along with removing all the botted gold, regardless of the consequences?

No, at least not without a massive loss of players.

Absolutely yes.

But it will never happen because even without the loss of accounts and with it revenue the qq wave from people losing half or more of their gold would be so massive that it would be a PR nightmare.

Blizzard is basically stuck between a problem they themselves never caused ruining the game, and a cure that runs a high risk of killing the patient. :confused:

The only thing that would really work is a hard reset and a zero tolerance policy towards any form of botting or RMT… A it stands it´s the best argument there is for a WoW 2.0. :beers:

That said,Zero tolerance towards botting doesn´t mean the 24/7 active monitoring of all realms that so many demand is actually feasible, it would still have to be done in waves… but if buying gold is an instant and permanent ban with zero recourse, the market willl either dry up fast, or lots of people with more money than brains will be repurchasing WoW on a weekly basis… :wink:

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Good thing we have that right?

IF only Blizzard could take the matters into their own hands but nah.

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Isnt blizzard famous for paying below the minimum wage (bypassing the minimum wage with battlenet balance)? They could hire interns and pay them less than 5k a year to ban bots, but they dont want to because they benefit from bots.

But hey, im probably just spreading

here, blizzard is doing everything they can :cowboy_hat_face:


It’s disgusting that people would go out their way to really insult someone like this.

Would you work 8 hrs a day for 5k a year, while being the go-to punching bag for every player that doesn´t understand the ramifications of their unrealistically lofty demands?

If no, then why do you appear to think that other people would?

If yes, I can offer you a job

Im not talking about full time devs, you dont need an IT degree to review some bot reports and ban them (youd need one for a decent anti cheat system, but this will never happen in a blizzard game, for obvious reasons), thats why i mentioned interns who would do everything for a big name on their CV, even if its underpaid monkey work. Oh, and obviously not 40hours a week, more like the typical 10h for working students.

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It was a yes /no question.

Side note: Unpaid internships are becoming less and less common in the gaming industry, we have`t had one in about 5, closer to 10 years, and that was the CEOs daughter. The times where companies could exploit interns to their heart’s content just because tehy wanted to be part of something bigger more or less ended about 10-15 years ago, depending on locale.

Do you need n it degree to ban Bots? No… but to properly police the world the way people seem to thing is realistic would require literally on average 1-2 “policeman” /zone /realm… Mad wasn´t policing teh entire realm, he was doing it in single zones, while at other places on teh same realm and even in the same zone it went completely unchecked.

Even if they were unpaid interns, they still need a physical desk to sit at, which requires office space to be rented or built… because nobody in their right mind is giving an intern VPN access and free reign to moderate the game as they see fit without direct oversight. :wink:

Okay, there is no way that blizzard can manually ban bots without hiring 100k+ bay area devs, you won.

People are always quick to provide answers to things that don’t directly have any consequences for themselves. Just do this and just do that, and all the world problems would go away. Never stopping to look at the broader picture and consider all of the consequences…

This thread alone is evident of that.

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Aye, and when teh response isn´t blind agreement but a reality check, teh response is hyperbole and obvious miscontruing of clear statements to mean thh opposite of what was stated, just to be truculent.

And yet people wonder why Blizzard and tbf most other game companies don´t take people on the their forums seriously, or at best with a crapton of salt :beers:

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Lol its crazy that there are people actually full on defending Blizzard here, ignoring every good suggestion and just vaguely telling you that its not possible for blizz to do anything about the bot problem.

These are the people Madskillzzhc sacrificed his time and sanity for. At this point I support the bots, people like this deserve to have their game ruined by Sergey/Prunjeet and his gold farming bot army.