It isn’t a criminal offence to use a BOT programme to farm gold in a video game - it breaches ToS and it would be up to the game owner to ban you.
Running around an online multiplayer game killing accounts is not the job of players and will clearly cause issues for those people using a different game play mode on accounts they pay money for.
So being a vigilante is going to cause support from some or abuse from others
Reality check here though - none of those bot accounts has harassed an individual player in the game other than competing for nodes / tags on mobs
So I have definite issues with the whole discussion as a whole
If the bots prevent me from playing the game - of course I would complain - but they don’t - they compete for farming spots - but if they were not there another player would be
You guys have got to question exactly what you are getting upset about - ITS A GAME
Actually, the farmbots themselves do, and it´s hilariousy something all the “ban them all” crowd will never admit because it undermines their argument…
They help keep AH prices at a semi-reasonable level in a world where everyone is too lazy to farm things themselves