It was more fun with glacial spike, I’ve just been playing it since I still enjoy its nature of style
frost is doing nowhere near being fine, if you use cooldowns yes you can top dps on adds but without cds you can’t do much and there are other classes that’s doing consistent high dps on every wave.
like i said these are all cds and they all have their own places to use with long cooldowns so it’s not even close to warlocks because there isn’t passives in frost, yes you can dodge some mechanics but when there’s repetative high dps from bosses you can’t dodge all of them and they have a big chance to kill you. it’s better than fire and arcane but not as tanky as people say it is. some of the cds should’ve been passive drs that helps all the time. then we would have ‘‘tanky’’
Well, I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on the tankiness. And regards to the DPS I still believe you can go to a fairly high level. But yeah maybe not on tyrannical (and DEFINITELY not in raids), it’s going to be absolutely ridiculous.
The thing about our cooldowns though, is they’re not strong, but they can be up for every pack if done correct (depends on the tank and the mage). We’re not a bursty CD-reliant spec. And I’m okay with that, that’s not what frost mages are supposed to be. But when our over-all damage profile is just way lower than others, that’s a problem that I think we can both agree needs immense tuning.
My eyes have especially been opened to this disparity, after having played a windwalker monk for a bit now. I have been pulling bigger numbers on small packs, big packs, long fights, short fights, single target and everything inbetween. The over-all damage is so much higher, even on a character with 20 ilvl less than my mage - that is unbalaned and needs tuning.
I would still argue frost mages are not dead weight, and can hold their own until you get to the higher keys, but again why would you take a frost mage over something else.
What is the standard for you when you say you can challenge or rival other classes? I mean you must be playing with bad people if you outdps them as frost right now.
Frost is doing less than half the aoe damage as other classes. I give to those that say it must be lower due to its ccs but why? Other classes get to do great dmg on 3 specs while they bring stuffs to the table too. In this game there is no such thing anymore as being good on only singletarget or only aoe. Your spec has to be good on everything. Why? Because there is no reason to pick you if you aren’t because there are classes that will be prefered then. Why would you pick a mage over a warlock? Demo warlock has triple aoe dmg in m+ and much better singletarget. It has much better survivablity and healthstone for the group. 5% intellect is very small in comparison given the fact that if you are the only spellcaster and the healer it is actually a bad value. If the group runs a hunter they will pick a rogue or dh or something and no one will miss your intellect. Mage has to absolutely destroy dps meters because that is the only thing this class brings to the table.
The issue with mage defensives is that they’re only good if you time them perfectly. There’s no room for mistakes. We got loads of immunities & cheat deaths, but get the timing wrong by 1 second and you’re probably dead because our baseline survivability is non-existant.
It’d be nice to have better baseline survivability, even if it comes at the cost of slightly less impressive CD’s.
skb is one of the most frustrating thing i was forced to play in order to try to push above +20 in SL, im not even gonna attempt trying that in DF.
This, absolute this, blizz, listen to this person
Issue with mage defensives is that we are great at dealing with incoming burst damage but most of the damage this patch is rot. Mirror images is something against aoe but its only 20% dr, shields get eaten up very fast, greater invis is 3secs dr. I often have to resort to ice block, not to block an attack but to give the healer time to top me up.
Without selfheals or leech its tough this patch and it’ll get worse as we outscale health pots. Hopefully next tier is more one shotty, thats when we shine.
I use it more to get rid off bleeds and insta cancel it to continue doing my job.
Season 2 will be absolute hell for healers with Brackhide, Halls of Infusion and Neltharus though…
Ye that too. The dungeons will get heavy nerfs before they launch as m+, they always do.
RLP and AV?
Nerfs where…
Season is nearly at the halfway mark and they still are impossibly overtuned.
AV is fine… unless you have a bear tank on the last boss. They nerfed them a lot already. Tanked a 16 RLP on my monk the other day, zappy dragon was insane!!
I only recently levelled my mage to 70 and I’ve only done a few m0 since hitting 70, but I concur the damage is lacklustre as frost.
Oh well…
I actually really like ignite cleave.
I never liked the flamestrike rotation.
So the fact that you can do excellent aoe with your st rotation is something i really like.
Its far from excellent aoe and you need stuff to live for 30secs for it to be good at all.
I have levelled 6 classes to 70 (Mage, Pala, Lock, Druid, Shaman, Priest), and they are all a mess except for druid guardian/resto and holy priest. Idk but this whole xpac feels like broken mangled azz
I agree with the OP. Here are some changes I think would help. Outside of PvP… will need tuning for pvp purposes most likely.
Cold snap or ice veins needs to reset frozen orb cooldown.
Blizzard needs to be insta cast always. It has a cooldown, its fine.
Blizzard should lower frozen orb cooldown without a talent.
That talent should haste frostbolt cast speed when brain freeze is on cooldown.
Glacial spike needs a dmg buff on creatures it can’t freeze and/or should trigger a brain freeze instead.
Water Elemental abilities should ( Waterbolt) lower frost orb cooldown, Freeze (give brain freeze charge)
Phoenix Flames should always crit its first target as standard. Current Talent can be used for spread ignite option ( over lower cooldown option).
Fiery rush: During combustion fireblast no longer has a cooldown but deals diminishing damage until combusion is over. (100%, 90%, 80%, 70% etc…)
Hyperthermia: raise chance of hyperthermia and give it a visual animation.
Make %of talents like “incendiary eruptions” be 100% chance if a pheonix flame is cast upon a target with the debuff. ( the point being less % chance and more interactivity between skills).
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