Mage LF Raiding Guild

Hi, recently returned to WoW after leaving out the last couple of expacs (played various classes since Vanilla).

I am 30 (UK) and established within a professional career so looking for an ambitious, mature and likeminded guild that are looking to push content.

I have a high spec machine and solid connection (300mbps D/L - 180mbps U/L).

Recently hit 60 (20/12/2020) so am rapidly gearing and should be 170ilvl within the next few days.

Happy to play any spec required.

Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

One day relaxed HC guild (5/10) recruiting rdps for HC, with plan to push mythic soon. Feel free to get in touch (jackcas3y#2230) if that sounds like it could work for you. We raid Thursdays at the minute, but we’re talking about adding a Sunday raid as well.

Take a look at our recruit post see if we are suitable


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