Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

Again… It was mentioned that it wasn’t a LEGIT way. So not really. You just accuse people apparantly…

But hey, we’ve come to know you quiet well after so long, who you actually are apart from what you say :slight_smile:

You literally called me a tin-foil hat :joy: Lying won’t help you

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Gee can someone shut this topic ? #blizzard, or any council member here? it tourned it to right palawa off topic moan


Here you go:

And for context, I stated that it can be misinterpreted as something that is okay to. I didn’t suggest that is exactly what you said.

Like I misinterpreted it as what you did.

I really wish they would shut it down tbh. These guys have been at my throat for days because I have a different opinion on the subject.

He keeps bullying and twisting words,flag him theres no much we can do

I didn’t call YOU a tinfoil hat. I said that:

was a tinfoil hat theory.

That’s not call you a name.

look they have their own opinion, you have your own, and i have mine -if you dont like it don’t argue using this topic as spam just say " i dont agree with you sorry!" thats all my aunt always said : Some people like fruits and some vegetables

I’ll do it for you

It was expected you might twist and quote bits it suits for your narative

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You did not mention my theory here… Let me quote again:

You are = me
Wearing your tin-foil hat = Me wearing a tin-foil hat = calling me a tin-foil hat :slight_smile:

So please stop lying. You bullied, cus thats who you are.

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Hey, that is all I have said all along.

I have an opinion, it’s mine. I respect they’re allowed their opinion.

I have openly discussed it earlier in the week. And said I that I wanted to leave the conversation.

However these 2/3 people (possibly 1 person), has decided that they want to picked my opinion part as if I’m wrong (some how), and not respecting my wish to leave the thread. But if they respond to me, I have a right to defend my opinion and state I’m not interested in carrying on…

But for some reason they continue to attack me.

You’re the one doing the attacking bud… Name calling, accusing… Lying… I’m just calling you out for it.

And remember, I said you didn’t have to respond… :man_shrugging:
If you decide to stay, then don’t act the victim. You are here by own will

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So I didn’t do what you said:

Saying you’re wearing a tinfoil hat, is not calling you one.

Still the point stands. The theory you presented was suggesting that they were out to get you (you in the third person and not you personally).

They’re not doing it to target people, they’re doing it to make an enjoy able game.

Please don’t misquote. You did what I said you did :slight_smile:

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Just as you and DOC have been doing in the thread.

But if you only tell 1/2 the story I have the right to present the other half, so people can see that I’m not who you are suggesting I am.

Quote where I attacked you :slight_smile:

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Hes a legit bully.
I politely asked him to stop with harassment and personal attacks,he did for 20-30min and then out of nowhere he name and shame me (without me posting anything) which is against ToS naming and shaming

This is illegal.

I disagree with this statement.

As I already said in my other reply:

IF you think it’s any different, then that’s on you. I’m drawing the line there. I’m not going to panda to you if you’re getting upset over that one.

Saying that you were wearing a tinfoil hat was presented with reasoning. Which you seem to have avoided reading. Probably because you know it won’t fit your personal narrative.

Calling me a tinfoil hat, and then saying “I gave a reason” does not justify calling someone names.

You can put your argument across without trying to ridicule. But of course YOU can’t. Because you like to pretend we are attacking you, when you just want to discuss, but all you’ve done is call me and my “theory” a tin-foil hat / theory without even READING what I linked you :joy:

You are not who you pretend to be, that became clear.

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Like pretty much everything you have written towards me In the last couple of hours has been an attack on me.

Your refusal to discuss the topic and call me a “whom we’re dealing with”, rather that even trying to understand or respect that my opinion might differ.

You haven’t even read my reasoning for saying your theory was tinfoil hat.

You’re no better than you’re making out that I am. Atleast try to be the better person here if that’s what you want to be.

That’ sounds like a threat.

Are you telling me I’m not allowed to be hear discussing the topic? What are the repercussions of me doing so. It sounds like you might try and hurt me.

I didn’t call you a tin foil hat. I said you were wearing one because that theory was a little bit out in the X-files.

I still respect that you have a theory. I just couldnt’ disagree with it anymore that I already do. It’s terrible.