Mage Tower March preparations

so for the upcoming mage tower in march i was wondering what trinkets are still not so much nerfed?

besides of that, which food is kinda overpowered for it?

potions i guess the bfa ones (fathom etc)?

what else i kinda didnt think of did work really well in scaling overall?


ilvl 50 MoP crafted PVP legs have 2 gem slots that you can put a +6 and +7 primary stat gem into (both from BFA).

SoO rings and neck have primary stats. Rings also have gem slots.

EDIT: Also getting the Splintered Heart from Sun King in CN will be a huge help for the tank ones.

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Wowhead has pretty comprehensive articles on this.

Just Google mage tower best consumables or best gear and it has tons of advice.

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can be that wowhead has a guide. but it can also be that some figured something out here. also those wowhead guides are really bad taken by some in the comments. seems like they just wrote it fast so they have something and arent really that good

anyway…is there still a fast way to get nethershards since shadowlands?

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This guide is actually really good and it helped a lot.

Depending on your class, you may want to farm different trikets. Some come from content with daily / weekly lockouts, so keep an eye on that.

There are three unique-equipped main stat gems that give the best stats, one from Legion and 2 from BFA. Other than that, the Cata +4 gem is the best so you can farm up a few of those.

And yeah, stock up from those BFA consumables like the Boralus Blood Sausages, Nazjatar flask and main stat potions and of course the war-scrolls. They were all ridiculously expensive while the MT was up, but probably not so much in this downtime.

below are either easy to get, cheap or both.
SoO gear when fully gemmed (costly if u dont have the gems) and correct bonus has around +3 mainstat over a lvl50 nethershard slot but has slightly less secondary stats. any lvl50 legion gear with a socket beats SoO gear.
ALSO, any LFR legion gear is lvl50 so it can be enchanted with old and good enchants. you can target farm ur bis stats in legion LFR.

my sugestions below
unless ur a crit class that will stack crit as main stat you can have head as azurite piece for main stat power. if ur crit main stat, then consider running siege of ogrimar for meta sockt of crit dmg

neck (in order)
prydaz stats +socket +hidden satyr
archeology neck has 3 sockets, can be enchanted with hidden satyr
boe neck with +5 mainstat below lvl60 for hidden satyr
legion crafted neck socket and hidden satyr
azurite neck (cannot get hidden satyr)

lvl50 nethershard shoulders and +5 mainstat enchant

any lvl48-lvl50 cloack is enough, either legion crafted or nethershard slot, this way u can get a +6 mainstat enchant

azurite and +30 mainstat SL enchant

class hall wrists, its from vendor, has a socket, its llvl50 and can get +5mainstat enchant, cant get better than this for wrists

SoO mythic, legion crafted lvl50 gloves, nethershard - can get +6 agi or +8 str or +6str(SL) or +4 spellpower

SoO mythic or nethershards - if u really want a socket (the rest of the gear already covers alot of sockets for the +6 +6 +7 gems) else it can be any belt

SoO mythic, nethershards - can get +5 mainstat enchat

nethershards, lvl48 legion crafted - i dont put SoO here because the feet socket bonus is not mainstat like other pieces. can get +10% run speed enchant or SL agility. the speed enchants beats any other enchant in my opinion. sigryn and twins benefict greatly from this.

SL or BFA crafted greens with ur bis stats - these have an socket you can use for the +6/+6/+7 gems. with wrists/neck u get all 3 sockets filled

trinkets - oh boy

  • mechanical dragonling - use a relic5 so it will be lvl54, you can get +24 haste, +24 crit, +12 versa and/or +12 mastery cogs. trinket costs 14 bars to make, each cog costs 2 bars. total of 20 bars and some cloth
  • seed pod from first boss in emerald nightare is lvl50 even on LFR more so thats 4 chances per week. amazing vs anything with adds and sigryn
  • gaze of sethe from HFC iskar boss - good dmg, strongly advise this and seed pod for sygrin triple cleave, i even used them for Ret pala and Enh shaman sygrin, so much dmg
  • dragonspine trophy from TBC gruul is great for arms warrior
  • mechagon trinket with cyclotronic blast red card, so much nuke dmg
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head - none
neck - hidden satyr (needs lvl60 or below item)
shoulders - MoP +5 main stat, inscription (needs lvl50 or below)
cloak - minor power enchant from wrath, +6 main stat (needs lvl50 or below)
chest - SL +30 main stat
wrists - MoP+5 main stat (needs lvl50 or below) (intelect can be SL enchant)
gloves - +4 spellpower, +6 agility, +6 str (SL) or +8 str (MoP) (needs lvl50 or below)
belt - living steel belt buckle, adds a gem socket (needs lvl50 or below)
legs - MoP +5 main stat, leatherwork (needs lvl50 or below)
feet - +10% movement speed, Pandaren’s step (MoP) or tuskarr’s vitality (wrath) (needs lvl50 or below)
rings - SL enchants

weapon, some examples of what i did:
crusader - 2H heirloom weapon so it can be used for arms/fury warrior and ret paladin, DKs will use fallen crusader
Bear druids - get claws of ursoc so you can have double enchant, force multiplier on main hand, sinful on offhand
dualwield agility users - force multiplier and sinful

for casters i found it tricky. you can use a 1H and an offhand
main hand - usualy sinful (or +14 spellpower but needs lvl50 or below)
offhand - +8 intelect (needs lvl50 or below)

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My game time runs out in a few hours so i probably wont be able to post again, unless something comes up will only sub when 9.2 comes out. if this post is able to help a single person i was already worth it.

will leave some of my alts links here (not all, just the ones with the easier challenge for mog) with the gear they did MT challenge with, most of them are not fully optimized because i was learning as i went taking notes of gear that worked and stats i stacked, talents, etc.

Sigryn - enhance shaman, ret paladin (both versa haste), demo lock (first time ever playing demo, haste crit)
recomended trinkets: seed pod, gaze of sethe, dragonling (make sure to stop sigryn cast before she gets the fathers buff, if u do u can break CC immediately and stack all 3 for cleave dmg, enh shaman was over by the 3min mark), this is where seed pod shines.
for ret pala i used a 2H heirloom with crusader i swaped around with warrior

Tugar/worm - WW monk (versa crit), seed pod alone kills the eggs, making the fight trivial unlike destro and BM

Xylem - arms warrior (crit haste), imo is easier than frost DK and DH, make sure to use interupt followed with spell reflect to heal up with second wind talent. below you can see i was sinking gold in pvp gear before i started to know the tricks above. friends i coached on budget gear did not need the pvp gear.
dragonspine from gruul is very impactfull here. i used a 2H heirloom with crusader for both arms and ret pala, i just swaped it around between chars
important: you can extend the P2 phase by leaving the first pool ontop of orb in center and then rushing to edge to leave second pool.

Kruul - bear druid because of felbear skin, tough challenge still (versa and haste/crit), but DH was by far easier (crit and more crit), took me 1 hour to do it, use spiritbomb heal on variss/kruul to agro the 4 adds to u (just saved u alot of frustration trying to figure this out like me). seed pod is godsent to aoe adds every second wave, make sure to use seed on bosses cleaving the adds

Twins - i leveled a mage with sole purpose of MT but after new year i was way to tired to focus properly, will try it next MT time. WAY easier than MM hunter or Boomie. being lvl52 is important for frost mage for the extra rain of ice dmg.

Agatha - i did this on my DK with his raiding SL gear, stacking as much mastery as possible. a more indepth guide below. friend who aplied the gearing method and followed tips below did it in less than 2 hours (and this is learning to play SL dk). fury warrior is easier (more mobility) + crusader enchant.

next MT ill try xylem as survival hunter, twins as frost mage, sygrin as rogue

healing challenge i never healed before, goodbye book mount

totally missed the main stat cloak enchant :o

@healing challenge:
go druid. p1 might be quite a wall, but the rest is pretty easy with the gaze-trinket (specially stair part). best guide i found was from that guy:

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