Magnus Canis (7/8H) recruiting - Late evening raid guild

Hi guys,

Magnus Canis is a new guild made by a group of veteran players aiming to progress as far as we can each tier on a relaxed 2 night a week schedule. We were initially just planned on hitting AOTC every tier but recruiting went very well and we’ve outdone our expectations and are already very close to that goal, so soon will be aiming to do some (3-6) Mythic bosses before the end of the tier.

Our raid days will be Tuesday and Thursday, 21:00 start and 23:30-00:00 finish (slightly flexible finish time depending on how to raids going, if we are close to a kill etc).

We are mostly older players in our 30s and 40s, with families and other real life commitments, so we understand the difficulties trying to fit in time for raids, and thats why we raid later than most guilds. And with that in mind, we are here for fun and want to keep the guild friendly and the raid environment upbeat, if there are issues they will be addressed but we dont accept any toxicity.

Anyone that thinks this might be a good fit for them, please get in touch, but specifically Id like to find:

  • DH DPS with Tank OS or
  • DK DPS with Tank OS
  • Mage
  • Rogue
  • Any Ranged DPS with Healer OS
  • Any high performing players are considered!

Cheers guys,

Bnet - Reimo#2869