Mail icon on character select screen?

no, we shouldn’t be used to being promised stuff and it never coming, or breaking, or not working at all

If you stayed subbed for the whole of CN, you basically paid 100+ euro for nothing? Literally nothing new came the entire 9.0 patch, it was all stuff pre made and ready to go since before the end of BFA and now, even more systems, a single dungeon and a short raid… scammed

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I presume you meant altoholics - not sure alcoholics would care …


I can imagine that there are probably access problems for the mail since it is probably coded the way that you can primary only access it directly from the post stations and would require entire post system to be recoded.

“The technology just isn’t there”

WoW Devs: I am limited by the technology of my time

Well, first it was bugged:
What happend to the new mail icon on char screen? - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Then it was turned off because of performance issues (I would call that a “bug”):
Mail icon at Character screen - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Then it was turned off on purpose, but it’s not bugged!
What happend to the new mail icon on char screen? - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (


Sadly it didn’t seem to work reliably, I hope it’s a feature they can look into again at some point.

I use Altoholic addon which does altert me when mail on alts is about to time out and be returned.

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I definitely did. A classic case of my fingers working faster than my brain… =D

Tbh it was one of the features I was looking forward to the most with SL, together with the new customizations. So many alts, and it’s hard to remember when you should expect mail.

Yeah, I use Altoholic as well - but unfortunately that only shows mail if you’ve been online and opened your mailbox (or was online when the mail was sent by someone you’ve linked with). It can be rough sometimes when you have a ton of alts to remember which alt put that random piece of transmog up on the auction house and should be expecting a mail in a couple of days, or if you sent a BoA item to a random alt from a second account, while an icon on the character screen would save you logging every single one of your character in every 2-3 weeks just to make sure you’re not missing collecting some mail.

It’s definitely not gamebreaking, but it would be a relief to be able to just scroll through the character list quickly every day or two to see if there’s something waiting for you. And especially as it was a promised feature.

I guess my account(s) was one of those where it was “not reliable” - I remember checking day one since I was looking forward to the QoL feature, and keeping an eye out ever since, and I never once saw the icon pop up on any of my characters.

Oh, you mean Blizz lied? The same Blizzard who had dancehalls and mounted combat advertised on the very box of WotLK and we still don’t have that implemented? That Blizzard?

Oh no, truly shocked.

I’m not sure exactly how it works, it tells me when I receive mail on other chars as a message in chat, so I think it does track from somewhere.

I had it for one day and then it was gone. Was a nice feature the one day i had it :joy: hope it comes back.

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I love accidental typos that completely change the context of things. :rofl:

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that sounds like a big quality of life change

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I mean, sometimes this game makes me want to take up drinking…

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We’re still waiting for the dance studio :cry:

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