Main character only - stuck loading at 100%

My alts log fine, however the main character namely a druid, does not log and is stuck on loading screen for hours, at 100%


All my alts log fine, including this one that I am speaking with here.

Last I logged out on my main was in darkmoon faire rep buff area where the game is spinning around, don’t know what its called.

Note, other alts are also in darkmoon faire, but not in the +rep buff game.

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Can someone tell me a trick or something that I can do? I need to log this character, my main, need to finish some dailies.

Solved. I managed to move my own character from using my alt then going through the help menu where you can find an option to move any other character, I didn’t know this exist, just though to share here maybe someone else having the same issue.

we need technical information gathered through a test explained in this post,

Continuous Issue of being stuck on Loading Screens - #56 by Bwg-twisting-nether

join us in this post and help us solve this problem friend.

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how exactly you did that? I don’t see such option in help menu.


Capmm, you are right, thats why I made a forum post thinking I couldn’t do anything.

When you open the Help, there’s a button that says “Character Stuck!” but this isn’t it, this is only for the character you’re playing right now.

However the character stuck was another one that I couldn’t log, you basically go to Help > Open a Ticket > I write “My main character is stuck” then clicked need futher help > Then click IN-GAME ISSUES > Character problem > Unable to move

When you click unable to move, it will take sometime, their website is a little slow, then it will show you all your characters, and I clicked on the name of my main, which made him hearth to another place, then it took again sometime for it to hearth, and I logged him afterwards just fine, he was in westfall for some reason, but I’m ok with that as long as my issue was fixed.