Major chat lag (Classic)

So the last couple of days if not longer there have been major problems with the in game chat, massive delays and disconnects from the chat services mostly during “peak hours” but also at other times during the day while the chat mostly works without any major problems.

It’s impossible to communicate with players out in the world to create groups or just be social and talk to them.

And apart from the community part it affects the game in other ways very much as well, such as addons that reads and works with the combat log such as Threatmeter, DBM, and also addons that announce and distribute loot for guilds during raids.

As far as i know this lag is only on a few overpopulated servers such as Gehannas and Firemaw (might be on others as well).
This has been going on for days now and i havnt seen anything from Blizzard that the issue is beeing adressed.

Please fix. :slight_smile:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chat lag still not resolved! Whats going on!