Make blitz instant queue again

This is an afterglow from what shuffle did to pvpers. People got used to waiting and afking. Don’t make people that seriously push wait 50+ minutes and the problem gets solved on its own.

This is about Blitz, not shuffle.

I think you’re right in regards to the attitude change towards quing. People are even opening 2nd accounts just to try get some extra pops in.

We are, just wait next patch.

Bro I’ve had 11 decline q in a row before it’s mental


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Sometimes you get a quick queue pop, then someone declines, and you end up waiting 10 minutes.

I made the mistake to go for rank 1 out of boredom, I started the “push” on 3.2-3.3 MMR, went 7 wins out of 8 games, ended above 3.6k MMR… ever since I can’t play, cuz my q does not pop. One time I even waited 3!! hours in the queue and nothing. And I am playing on afternoons / early evenings when I think most people are playing. Worst is I’m like 800 CR behind the first evoker in Blitz, which is still a massive grind. Well, it would be if I got in games in the first place… just lol

The queues are back to normal as far as I can tell. Between 5 and 10 minutes.

Though I’m unsure if that is because more people are playing due to the end of the season approaching.

Or maybe to avoid premade in random and epic bg :roll_eyes:
Sorry, i’m just salted by this week. I’m fed up about the sync group.