Make Covenant abilities only work in openworld content

I don’t want to choose a covenant based on the strength of their abilities, and I especially don’t want to swap covenants for every aspect of the game. For PvP I’m likely to need a different covenant than for M+, Raids or other PvE content.
Just let people choose what they like and let them use these abilities in open world content, but they should definitely be disabled in PvP, M+, Raids etc… - The point of covenants shouldn’t be to just choose the one with the strongest ability, it should be choosing one you like the most.

Also before anyone brings it up, yes I’m part of that 1% or 0.1% or whatever people like to bring up, so it does matter to me a lot. Sometimes I want to choose what’s most fun for me or what looks the coolest to me, not what’s the best.


Then dont. Nobady forces you to min max and there is really no point having them usable only in open world content which is alredy facerolled by 2-3 buttons of your core rotation anyway. Game wont be cuttered and should not be cuttered to few min maxers.


With this suggestion the min maxers are not getting hurt, AND the world-players also not since they got their covenants activated. win-win.

they could also just not tie the abilitess to the faction and let you freely choose and change the abilities from the pool

but they like the massive time sink to increase MAUs if you want to change.

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I’d vote for this.

It’s a fair solution. They are already bringing back a lot of class abilities from the sound of it so there will be more to play with in the Mythic and Raid content anyway.

Might be too late by now though. They are probably already balancing dungeon and raid encounters around players having those abilities.

i’m not for blocking it in openworld only.
All i want to solve the issue of EndGame is :
Make the spell switchable easely , but can’t switch convenant easely.

Or just make them an extra talent row.

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The problem with that mindset is that when people start to do high-ish m+ keys, getting into HC raiding, or PvPing above 1600, people WILL use their best covenants for that form of content, which essentially discourages people to partake in other content, as they are not using the best covenant for that specific content. And just as I said my own post about this, there is a grind tied to changing your covenant ability (and in typical Blizzard fashion, it’s going to be a long-long timegated grind) which will just simply seperate the playerbase.

Not really. Why shouldn’t we be able to use the abilities in instanced content just because some people can’t stand to take a 1% hit to their dps?

It’s an RPG, choices should matter. I’m like this system, better than to choose one side on a quest that has absolutely no practical impact what so ever.

We are going to find out it is only 1%. Looking at corruption, azerite traits and essences i am very very afraid.

Swapping wasn’t going to be easy so I don’t think you will be able to swap them for the content you are doing. If you wish to change the covenant you have commited to you will have to grind your way into that covenant.

We don’t have much information about it just yet but they gave the impression we would not be chopping and changing easily at BlizzCon.

On the other hand we still miss a good third of these abilities and have no knowledge whatsoever of class changes, talent trees, conduits and legendaries.

It’s a bit too early to worry about balance

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I find abilities and items that “only works in X zone” or “can’t use that here” one of the worst designed aspects of the game, which shouldn’t surprise me that it’s being suggested here.

I’ll just pick whatever I want to based on how I like the abilities. IDGAF what’s the most optimal, the most fun matters to me. It would be awful to obtain abilities that can only be used in open world, pretty much pointless, since I don’t do much open world content.

It is more likely that we are going to have a question in what content we do like to be good, and what content we are going to suck, based on covenant choices. Looking at previous implementations of systems like essences, corruption, azerite traits, it is most likely not be a 1% difference.

Yeah i agree with the problem, but this solution makes it worse.

Im not suprise anymore with people,
It’s just alpha, it’s just beta, it’s just 8.1 etc…

I understand why the op ask about that.
We had azerite system everyone hated it.

When shadowland will launch we will see post about people not inviting them because they got the wrong covenant.

I love the Idea about those ability to be only useable outside.

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