Many Brann Bronzebeard Adjustments are Now Live - 15 March

Bugs more than a decade old, still waiting.


Enough monkeys and you’ve got yourself a Shakespearean Masterpiece!

Why is Delvers Journey stuck on the 4th point? this weeks reset did nothing.


…Brann the tank tells me and my pets need to hit harder, thought it was his job? :flushed:

Still no fix for the Brann’s half-screen hitbox. I wonder how many seasons it would take.

Thought I was the only one having that issue… trying to click on environment? Clicking on Brann instead… :grimacing:

Thank you! A lot less tedious as a healer now :slight_smile:

He’s still a wimp tank. How many player tanks suffer from a 30 second stun repeatedly throughout any delve encounter?

It’s a bigger problem that he does not teach or encourage “proper” healer gameplay, where during low damage intake periods the player should contribute damage as well.

As druid I can’t even maintain close to 100% uptime on his 5 out of 12 possible buff empowerment stacks with six of my hots and instead it requires me to hard spam Regrowth. Even when not taking significant damage I need to hardcast heal, otherwise he is completely useless.

If he does not die 5 seconds into the pull as is case in some of the scenarios, I’ll be overhealing him by some 200% just so he starts doing more damage and the saddest thing about this is how it goes quicker this way than me attempting to mix in offensive gameplay with cat form and spells.