Married gay couple confirmed for Shadowlands

It is not about being hateful, I am a man of reason-rational, I’m not looking from perspective of a brainwashed 15 years old kid to these subjects.


you’re so wrong but go off

The point is this and every other attempt to point out a characters sexuality is completely pointless unless it adds to the story and makes sense. This is PC gone mad like everything else in the media…People arent homophobes for pointing out a stupid PC move. A gay man has even commented and said he finds it cringey! because it is.

Im all for gay storylines but make it make sense not just “my husband” just because.

Nintendo: “so mario is gay just so you know…” changes nothing… whys he gay suddenly? why do you feel the need to point that out?

Why did we have no gay corehounds in classic?

All pointless lol unless it ties in and adds to the narrative i dont care where my characters puts his/her junk.


Hoo boy… Now it’s about race too.


That video link is what mainstream media did to weak minded people. They are trying to do the same thing with gender stuff this time, they are nearly done with black propaganda, next step is genders.

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How so? Show me that I’m wrong.

you’re saying privilege doesn’t exist, when it clearly does, been demonstrated time and time again. i don’t think i need to write an essay here when the information is at your fingertip, by googling the issue and researching it from people much better informed than me.


Why does is have to make sense? Sometimes people are gay. And there’s no deeper meaning to it. People in real life tend to reference their partners without even thinking about it, so why wouldn’t they do so in a game?


Because it’s a story driven game and my life/your life is not.

Because its a story, a form of media. It has to have meaning and sence else its pointess bloat.

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Okay, so.
I have a gay friend. He got engaged a while back, and planned a wedding this spring (but had to cancel it until Autumn because of Covid-19.)
He played WoW a few years back but quit since it just wasn’t his thing. I sent him a message and asked how he felt about the gay couple that was included with the Night Warrior storyline. He simply replied that he didn’t really care, but that he appreaciated the representation nonetheless, and mentioned that it could be a good thing for younger people who might be insecure about their sexuality to see more representation that makes them feel included, which he also mentioned was something that he wished he saw when he was younger in media.

So yeah, that’s it. That’s the post.


Was there any lore that indicated he’s straight, though?

on certain websites yes.

Where, then?

So let’s just leave out anything that’s even remotely irrelevant. Let’s have the driest story ever.

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You’d have to google that ;D

An adventurer needs to slay a dragon, he goes to a villange to get a sword in order to slay the dragon, he fights the dragon and wins. One of the villagers is gay.

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“Man of rational reason”
“Not brainwashed on this subject”

Links random YouTube video as evidence
Predicts the future as if it’s guaranteed using no firm evidence, no predictive model, no empircal data
Calls others 15 years olds because viewpoints differ
Uses an example of arena 2v2 setup as an analogy to how the sexuality of parents affects childrearing

You are seriously kidding yourself with this man of reason thing. A sensible seeming confirmation bias is not equal to reason. Nothing you’ve put forward resembles reasonable arguement at all. You jump to assumptions with no evidence whatsoever and use completely irrelevant analogies, so I’d dial back on saying others are lacking ammunition and are not reasonable and rational until you actually show evidence of understanding what these principles mean yourself.


You’re the one claiming he was straight prior to Blizzard saying he’s gay. Bring the evidence yourself!

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