Married gay couple confirmed for Shadowlands

sorry jumping from different timelines may be little confusing
and sorry if i hurt your feelings honey :* :* :*
(is this the right way how to apologize in this timeline?)

I never paid any attention to these kind of topics here on the wow forums. I’m so sorry that I made it into a weekend thread.


So what if there is a previously unintroduced NPC who is gay, how is that effecting anything, apart from the people getting really up in arms about it. Who cares. Only the people who don’t like LGBT+ Who then make it a problem, then play the victim card when people go “Actually, that’s not OK”

You know all it would have taken for this to slide under the radar? People to have not made a big deal about it.

Oh OK then.

So these ‘classics’ going back less time than I have been alive, they more or less relevent than “To Kill a Mockingbird” How about actual history? Or sure, lets stay fictional “Othello” “Merchant of Venice” The writings of Lycurgus of Sparta, the writings of Sappho of Lesbos, What about actual history that dates back only slightly before these 40 years that are somehow a benchmark.

Every one of those examples you gave? Every single one occurred after a defining moment in history. Every one occurred after Martin Luther King said “I have a Dream”

You know Ripley was supposed to be a Man, originally? You know Will Smith’s character in Independence day was written -for- the character, right? They weren’t a white dude, you know ‘I Robot’ was not written with Will Smith and Alan Tudyk in mind, but well before either of them were even born! 70 years ago this year as it happens), and Star Trek almost religiously tried to include everyone, even including the Russians, who at the time were not flavour of the month.

History does not start 40 years ago! Jaysis if it did, then I am by definition Pre-historic!

True facts, we were really good at that back then, but at least we weren’t killing people over who stuck what in who, or did not stick what in who, just kind of “they’re from the next valley/tribe over the hill, lets go and do 'em in!”

 Oh seriously
That’s uh
some bold terms you’re using there. “Inferior Race”

Yeah, I actually am gonna report this, you can’t seriously use those terms and think you are a rational person. If you actually -had- respect for history, you’d know why. The fact that you do not, frankly says a lot about you.


The 80’s called and they told me that this statement was a thing back then.

It’s like you said, that was never a fact but people believed it because the disease mainly rampaged around in that scene because a lot of men back then had unprotected intercourse.

That’s cool, but if they could stick to fixing the main storyline that would be much appreciated.

Although, I will say this doesn’t exactly help break down stereotypes.

PS I skim read this thread, the fact that HIV some how became a topic is truly sad and pathetic. You people really need to get out more.

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have different opinion??? you are enemy in that moment
 long live the sjw

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Can’t help but feel like the real world events are rabbit holing a fantasy game into catering and acknowledging such things exist–its like how the new belf customisation feels a bit forced given theres no lore to go off, it just exists now cause “thats what people wanted.”. Its already basically confirmed in the game if you reference to a steamy romance novel: savage passions.
I believe that hints at it already.

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love your gif

ahahaha, kind of the same thing at the end of the day though sadly, no?..:slight_smile:

That’s a strawman fallacy. I didn’t suggest it “shouldn’t be an option” at all. I am not sure how you came to that intellectually dishonest interpretation. My point was it’s not very common in the real world, and there is no lack of representation. The number of LGBT couples in movies and games reflects the number we see in the real world - not many.


this sums it really good

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SJW meme combined with a random Halo picture really does sum up the immaturity of people who resort to calling others “SJW’s” nicely. Good job.

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I give scientific evidence to prove my point, you gave nothing more than disturbing insults to people who are different from you. You actually have 0 arguments or actual facts have fun trolling or being stuck in the middle ages.

Because you are not debating opinions, we are debating people that exist in real life and have science and human rights to back them up. You only have hate,ignorance, and a frail ego.


I read/ heard it was, but for reasons you already covered and a nice dose of ignorance.
There’s this movie with Tom Hanks, called 'Streets of Philadelphia, it deals with that topic.
it featured the song titled ‘Streets of Philadelpia’ by Bruce Springsteen - one of my favorites, not entirely offtopic, when I mentioned this to some other gay guys I met, they acted surprised and they said that was a ‘very un-gay thing’(That type of music, I suppose) to like
go figure haha.


Inferior race?
Haha what the bloody hell?

This is some old school racism right here


You shouldn’t give attention to this Rahvin. He’s just an angry troll.

Unfortunately this will fall on deaf ears for many. I’d prefer to see what the facts are to any given scenario before making a judgement and often when it comes to stuff involving police many facts are omitted due to it being a legal issue unless they get leaked to the public.

Agreed, unless its someone completely dangerous to society (not saying that guy is as I don’t know) then it should never come to this.

I’ve not experienced that scenario but I’ve certainly experienced many other scenarios which have shaped how I view things. Things are never simply just black or white which is why I believe that privilege is less prevalent then what you do.

Its very easy to do this though and many people get lost in the opinions of others rather than gaining the actual facts, unfortunately even “credible sources” can show and immense amount of bias.

Also, America has a far different relationship with this sort of issue than other countries due to the culture (even the many different cultures) there.

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scientfic evidence? yeah, surely 

first google article 
 crap that is modified to fit into todays world principles how to brainwash rest of humanity by sjw agenda
and you know what else i found ?

American scientists have found that people will believe everything American scientists find out

i myself am a conservative, you however are not, your just a giant bigot plain and simple. dont you dare mix conservatives with your little anti gay fest.


you do know homosexuality is also a thing in the animal kingdom right? you think they are brainwashed too?


and what are you ? animal or human? or something else