Married gay couple confirmed for Shadowlands

bruh… i know plenty of gay people i been friends with for a long time and they dont talk like the tv and movies claim. they’re just regular people…


/sigh……see, the injustice never ends…


Garrosh was not like that. He was the strongest and fiercest warchief, but still he was very gay.


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It was 2015 or something, community wasn’t brainwashed yet with netflix. Now the time has come.

How are you so sure what my character identifies as? :thinking:


I think I’ve met a grand total of one gay guy who was very feminine…

I’ve got a gay couple as neighbors, and they’re just regular dudes. Except they like other dudes.


People upset over gay people existing calling other people snowflakes.

Oh the irony.


They can easily change the Lore btw. But tho it will be heart attack for veteran players.

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I dont care what it identifies as. It’s still either male or female. You can identify it as whatever you want in your head, but keep that deluded crap out of the game.


Ben Shapiro fans taking this opportunity to talk about their political views that no one cares about OMEGALUL

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Biologically, yes.

Socially, no.

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there’s nothing wrong with sexuality in a game, straight or gay, but it absolutely should be relevant and natural, it’s annoying as hell when they just shoehorn it in to please the pc and sj movements…i’m looking at you ESO…-.-


Look, I know your age hence I won’t go into detail with you :smiley: As I’ve mentioned earlier I have gay friends, they are not snowflakes unlike some around here, they are totally good people but the ones on the forum gives a bad name to homosexuals.

Actually I’d like to see that to make fun of Horde.

Here’s a thought for you.

If gay people had more representation in media like this you’d quickly realize that most of them are just like you and me rather than an amorphous blob that all exhibit the same mannerisms and values of the stereotype you seem burdened with.


It’s funny how many straight couples there are in the lore but as soon as they bring a gay couple into the spotlight it’s a problem. You guys are problematic as hell


you and people like you are full of hatred for other on the principle of their sexual orientation. others hate people with a different skin colour or religion different to theirs.

that’s not a clear mind. that’s a narrow mind that can’t accept that we all are different.

it’s absolutely disgusting that it’s still happening in 2020, but alas, here we are. this is why movements such as pride and blm still exist.


Oh yes the fabulous writing team.

The ones that apparently have huge problem with showing the belly of Sylvanas or Jaina but themes like civilians screaming while being burned alive in the Old Soldier cinematic gets a free pass, because it has shock value.

That writing team ?

I trust them to write the most obnoxious writing and still claim they are proud of it.


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all this and we still cant mog our underwear smh


I’m 18 chief, what does my age prevent you from doing? :face_with_monocle:

I haven’t seen a single snowflake yet apart from the “hurr durr gay people bad” ones.