Mechagnomes class / spec names!

Yes? its not a wolf pun

Thats like calling a Vulpera ‘‘Vulpifox’’ not really

I wanted my Mecha Hunter to mimiron or titanstrike.

Both taken so I used titanspark

I keep getting a hankering to create a priest called Belisariussmall


That’s messed up in my language :joy:

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BE names

Rogue : Barbie goes to prison

Mage : Barbie gets burned at the stake

DK : Barbie and her undead ranch

Warrior : Barbie invades Vietnam

Priest : Barbie in a coven

Warlock : Barbie sells her soul to the devil

Monk : Knock-off chinese Barbie

Demon Hunter : Barbie and Kenllidan.

I’m always amused the times when names mean something completely different in another language. I previously had trouble with Runk and ended up renaming my tauren after all my Scandinavian friends told me what it meant.

He is however a character in game, not anything rude :laughing:


Well, Tizzy sounds like Tiss(pee), but is as you can see, not spelled exactly the same way, like Runk :laughing: . Which helps I guess.

When I played Aion I realized they had named the NPC’s after various words from european languages. That was very odd. They had named the NPC’s stuff like Vindu(window), Huset(the house), Stue(livingroom) and so on. Other europeans were reporting the same in their languages.

I swear the people translating the game to english sat with european dictionaries and picked random words that could sound like names if you attempted saying it in english.

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Mechagnome names,

  • Mage : Circuit
  • Warrior : Engine
  • Priest : bulb
  • Rogue : Wheels
  • DK : Machine
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