Mechagnomes locked

Couldn’t agree more and is yours still going btw ?

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I know right just checked my horde we don’t need dungeons at all but alliance need 3 :drooling_face:

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if you cant handle being in a group ONLINE to do a simple dungeon, quit internet,for real.

Way to miss the point your here to troll and reported.

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If you cant handle different opinion on FORUM, quit internet, for real.

Stop acting as a bully.


If anyone needs help with the mythic version of the operation mechagon i can reccommend this community: (Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN - #71 by Daestra-turalyon

There are OM learning runs on the calendar this week. Or just poke me or one of the other officers and we’ll try to get a run together for u.


Ofcourse. That I know, but that is no excuse to make things super easy, as I said, I have been in the very same situation, and still I am, to a certain degree. But I tried, and tried, and tried over and over again. And now I am where I am today.

Physically, I can totally understand and sympathize with, mental however ? Not as much. As I have gone through that myselff, and was able to overcome it.

It is possible, but you have to really try for it.

I think anyone who has spent time ingame or disc talking to me knows my mental strength .
One only has to check my achievements and dates to see how i USED to be able to play .

Its not about rewards keep the mounts and item levels its a none issues for many players.
Its about access to content.
All versions should be out at same time . Wouldn’t you like to see mythic+ op mech at now instead of waiting 6 to 7 months total ?


You know I used to be one of thsoe WOL gold tank players from 10-25 on some fights on hc (now comparable to mythics), wore elite PvP gear. PUGed anything from backyard to end-game on alts while main was maintaining that pro-gamer face. And then… stuff happened. IRL.

And how sad it is that now I lack any mental strength to PUG anything, or form anything or take initiative of anything. I do not even have any of PvP essenses, and despite my 15+ M+ keymaster achievent and several alts doing M15s, I just … rather not do content if go open general, or form a group. I used to make own raids on hardets difficulty, and now I cannot even do weekly mechagon for R3 essense…

Not because I dont have gear (444 is pretty decent ?) or even RIO (I have 1700+ something) or raid exp (I am half way mythic EP), but I simply … dont have the strength.

It may sound weird or hard to understand. But i rather not do M+ than form my own group. Even with guildies.

And I feel (no proof, nothing, just presumption) this state of mind or strength is not as rare as you’d think. Just it probably appears less among people with my ilevel and past. But you see… From the “hero” to “zero” thats story of me.

Mainly due to change to mindset.


Then I totally agree with you, as I said.

And sorry for being kind of a douche. :x

I am very sorry to hear that. I was a reverse from a situation from you, except I will never really be a hero :sweat_smile: Raiding Heroic and doing mythic+10 weekly is enough for me.

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more likely normal people can finaly sub to the game when its nicely unlocked - so 3 months into 9.3 saving a lot of money for not playing incomplete game :slight_smile:


Why not make it easy though? Me clearing a dungeon in normal mode doesn’t detract in any way, shape, or form from your M+ clearings. Some people can’t do hard content for a variety of reasons, and some just want to relax and have no stress fun. I’m all for hard content in game, and easy content to for those that like it.


Too true! Im sure somebody could grow that other arm back if they put some effort in! And poor eyesight shouldnt stop you…just flex extra hard and get on with it! sarcasm obviously
wow, must be nice in your oblivious, entitled, selfish little world where nobody else matters and ruining a game played for fun is the real goal.

As the mythic haters have stated previously we dont care how easy you find it, we dont want your gear rewards (Id be happy if they significantly increased mythic rewards above other levels just to shut the whiny babies up!).
I also wouldnt mind if all the ARs had been locked behind mythic, I just would of waited an expansion, soloed them and got them then. Just dont think it should be a case of having something that is a basic expansion feature locked out for certain factions or skill levels.

oh, and the mythic lovers on this forum, who are being deliberately obtuse, not listening, disrespecting people, looking down on them, infering they are idiots or rubbish at playing something (which is just a game, played for fun, that they dont get paid for)??

Its you…you are the reason we dont want to play mythic!

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Then don’t. The other people are atleast respectful with disagreeing. Unlike you.

You say we keep insulting you, but look at yourself, you are literally insulting us back with personal attacks instead of commentary on how we find the content, not the person.

Everyone does that here. You do it right now, you even call it “butchered” when the game isn’t built around your own needs. You guys all need look at this from a bit of distance maybe. This game has so much content, so many people playing it, but still people come here and think that their view in particular is right. In reality the game wouldn’t function if it were only built for one or another group of players. That’s why different difficulty settings exist. People have different expectations for this hobby, and there’s no point talking about “bad” or not. Outside of PvP this is not a competetive game, it’s a cooperative one.


You have to work of rank 4, don’t be this entitled.

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Ah, no need to be sorry - it was a good change. I like that i no longer spend 5 days in wow and now occasionally 1-2 a week log in and do a few things.

The reasons why and how someone acts and - in this context play this game as they do are very different. Perhaps my experience and its length in this game has given me unique view point - i can understand the end-gamers, and I can understand those whose end game is pet battle (or collecting mogs). What one may find easy, can be challenging for other.

I am now, what I like to call, the casual veteran . I place myself on the same level as “those who do pet-battles” - I just happen occasionally do a M15 and a Mythic raid per reset. And they are better at it than I am. I actually suck in pet battles.

I believe that mythic reward should be mythic reward, but story and things like allied races should be accessible by anyone. I prefer longer quest chains and less dungeon farms for those activities.

I despise comments like “but this is faceroll, lol suck it up” - Well I play in raids brewmaster monk, I tell you what is faceroll. When I press roll and my character plants her face on ground and does roll animation.


I agree. I can’t even go seek out Wrathion because it’s locked behind a raid, just like the war campaign. Stuff him then. :slight_smile:

Yea I was a bit too hasty to jump in with conclusions and I do apologize for that.

I apologize for that statement too but, that is how my view on how mythics are in my personal opinion, which will form my arguments and feelings around the subject. :slight_smile:

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I don’t actually. I’m not going to be playing a mechagnome.
I however would like to see and play the content, but not on mythic.

Get it now? :tired_face: