Melee/Tank Looking for guild

Like the title says. Im looking for a casual guild that raids 2-3 days a week. Until max 22 Server Time. I work early shifts at a factory. I am Swedish but can speak english just as well.
I have been raiding since Vanilla on and off. For more info just ask.

I play:
Paladin (prot/retri) 415 ilvl, 49 neck.
Rogue 415ilvl, 47 neck.
Demon hunter 410 ilvl, 41 neck
Warrior (prot/dps) 408 ilvl. 47 neck
Hunter 406, 45 neck
Dk Poorly geared.

I can play all these classes and willing to reroll if it would fit your roster.

Feel free to add me for a chat:
Battlenet: Cakenorris#2180
Discord: Cakenorris#9356

Hello Cakenorris,

The Burning Hammer on Argent Dawn, alliance side is actively looking for a tank.
Many other dps roles are also needed.

Our raids end at 22:30 though.

Here is more about us:

The Burning Hammer

The Burning Hammer is a guild with a core of veteran players, most of us playing since the start of Vanilla. While our original guild was based on Bladefist and Outland, we’ve since transfered to Argent Dawn EU where we started this guild.

We’ve raided in the past in Vanilla, TBC and WotLK, where we were a competitive guild in terms of realm-rankings. With Legion we started raiding again, and cleared all the content on heroic difficulty. So far we have been moving up the rankings every tier, and we keep aiming to improve.

What can we offer?

( note: we are a Heroic-only guild, we have no desire to raid Mythic )
Our raiding style is fairly casual: no fight goes perfectly from the start and we dont mind spending some time on a boss if that’s what it takes. We do try to use our limited raiding time well whenever new content is available.

We do normal raids, heroic raids and mythic+, and there are always people up for doing any of those.

Your profile?

We dont expect you to be a hardcore player, but you should have the basics such as having your gear enchanted and gemmed, be willing to learn, and bring buff-food, damage pots and flasks for heroic raids. If we’re still learning we wont ask you to use them, but if we get close to a kill we might ask that you put in that little bit of extra effort.

For communication we use Discord, and we’d prefer it if you have a working microphone for easier feedback during raid encounters.

Raiding Times

Thursday 19:30 - 22:30 PM server time
Sunday 19:30 - 22:30 PM server time

During periods of farm, these times are usually far shorter (and usually just one day).

Progression in Battle for Azeroth:

1/2 Heroic Crucible of Storms
9/9 Heroic Battle for Dazal’alor (1/9M)
8/8 Heroic Uldir (1/8M)

Progression in Legion:

11/11 Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne
9/9 Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
10/10 Heroic Nighthold
3/3 Heroic Trial of Valor
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare

If you’re interested in joining and would like to have a chat, contact one of our officers on the following []( ids:


deathknight (tank)|high|
demon hunter (dd)|medium|
demon hunter (tank)|high|
druid (balance)|high|
monk (dd)|medium|
monk (tank)|high|
paladin (protection)|high|
priest (dd)|high|
shaman (elemental)|high|
warrior (protection)|high|

Hello Cakenorris. I am an officer from the guild Solar Noctis on Frostwhisper.

We are a social casual guild, if you would like to know informations, please look at our recruitment post down below and add me to Battletag for a chat. Thank you :slight_smile:

Are you looking for an inclusive community whose membership contains a variety of nationalities, ages, abilities, etc. without the pressure of constantly checking DPS meters or demanding that you perform at a level which stops the game from being fun?

Solar Noctis is a casual guild that puts the guild community at the heart of all of its activities. This is a guild to relax in, be part of an inclusive community and have fun doing varying aspects of the game. We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in social events, casual raiding, dungeons, etc.

From M+ keystone runs (of varying difficulties) and casual raiding (Normal & Heroic) to random social events such as “hide-and-seek”, dodge-ball, lawn darts, and much more - the purpose of this guild is to be casual, inclusive and fun. It is because of this that our members come from far and wide and, even return to us after breaks in the game or different guilds. No one is left behind.

So whether it’s levelling, raiding or socialising - we welcome all!

We are currently recruiting all classes for our raiding team - particularly DPS with tank or healing offspec! But all other classes are welcome to apply!

BOD N 9/9

BOD HC 6/9

Feel free to contact Luctish (Battlenet Luctish#1984), Gormac (Garaidh#21616) or Lossee (Lossee#2651) for more details. Alternatively, you can contact us in-game also.

We look forward to welcoming you to Solar Noctis !

Hello mate

You might be interested in our guild, at least try to take a look, and contact me if you like what you see, then we can have a chat about things. (IE raidtimes, I know they don’t fit completly :slight_smile: )


Hi there! I don’t know if you’ve found anywhere yet, but we might fit your bill! We have a few swedish people in guild also! :slight_smile: We’re on Frostwhisper/Bladefist/Zenedar :slight_smile:

Current Progress: BoD 6/9HC, CoS 2/2N

Raiders of Rohan is a social raiding guild committed to relaxed progression and a friendly, yet focused atmosphere. We know that everyone has responsibilities outside the game, such as jobs, school, children etc. =) As such, we understand that people may sometimes miss raids due to prior engagements or emergencies. All we ask is that, when you are in the raid, that you’re focused on the raid. We expect our raiders and trialists to be fully gemmed and enchanted as well as supply their own potions. Flasks and food are provided by the guild.

Raid days:
Wednesdays 8PM-11PM (server time)
Sundays 8PM-11PM (server time)
Invites go out 10 minutes prior to start time.

We are recruiting all classes, but are currently especially interested in Shadow Priests, Shaman and any tank besides Blood DK. Trials last 2-4 weeks.

As this is a social Guild, there’s always something going on during the offdays! We run multiple Mythic+ runs per week and our Discord is always active. We also organize special Guild events sometimes, like achievement runs, transmog competitions and more! =)

If you have any questions, or you would like to join RoR, please contact either: Awriel (Amanda#2105), Dispare (GillRLister#2659) or Kawari (Jem#2368)