Memorable instances

Speaking honestly nothing can be beat mara waterfall.
Bfa dungeons and raids are rather bad, not single one i could call likeable, few are really hate to come in (Toldagor and WM to lesser extent)

Probably stratholme and the halls of reflection. Still today when i go to icc for mount and transmog ill do a good 3instances run just to see the halls of reflection.
Speaking of modern days i dont know… maybe blackrook hold.

I’m not really much of a dungeoneer, but a few that has stood out for me,

Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and then the HOR, Arthas chasing after you felt like a real threat! I loved these.

Then, The 3 that came in Patch 4.3. 0 , End Time, Well of Eternity and Hour of Twilight.

These really stand out for me as my favourite experiences playing dungeons whilst current.

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I really enjoyed the cataclysm heroics, it was my first experience with encounter content that required tactics to be followed or you wipe, you go through many players then too, only the ones who knew tactics or was willing to learn would do well early on (kinda got really stompable with LFR gear and nerfs coming out, but LFR was also a nice addition).

I thought WoD had some nice designs too, not as challenging and fewer in number but they pack a lot more into these dungeons, story wise and tactics are there.

Mechagon as I dungeon I really like and it will go down also.

Raids that stick out for me:
Bastion of Twilight, Firelands, Dragon Soul, Throne of Thunder, Siege of Orgrimmar and the Eternal Palace.

Also, not really an instance but I wanted to mention Timeless Isles! I think BfA has it’s own versions in Mechagon/Nazjatar but Timeless is my #1 for WPvP/PvE - solid npc elite encounters (the fact most of their damage is avoidable if you pay attention is great) and also many different buffs and powerups, worthwhile rewards at the time and an atmosphere that is really amazing.

The only one that really sticks out for me was Halls of Reflection. Arthas chasing you down especially in the last stretch was so intense before you could outgear it.

And I especially loved this pre fight speech

Women… Children… None were spared the master’s wrath. Your fate will be no different…


This pear… so delicious…


Wailing Caverns. Blackfathom Deeps. Sunken Template. And pretty much all of the instances in Blackrock Mountain.

And the revised Karazhan from Legion. That one was simply amazing.

Funny how in expansion where LFR released barely anyone actualy have their favourite raids in them. Its all TBC, Vannila and WOTLK wonder why.


Alliance garrison.

It is an instance and looks pretty.
And unlike dungeons it doesnt have stuff trying to kill me all the time.

Dungeons are forgettable.
If i had to pick a favorite:
Because it was my first dungeon.
I dont even like it that much it was just the first i played.

Best dungeons ever For me: Eye of Sahara, Court of stars, Black rook hold, Upper Karazan. Period.

I like Zul’Farrak because of the way it looks, Shadowfang keep because of the music

And I miss dungeons like old Sunken Temple where you could spend hours

Cataclysm All
MOP Delete All
WoD All
Legion All
BFA All except TOS

I love level 50 range vanilla dungeons, Blackrock ones, Sunken temple (even if it’s redesigned, Scholomance (redesigned also) and of course Zul’ Farrak. Stratholme is an exception, i don’t love this dungeon per se, but i love it’s lore and design.

I hate Dire Maul (3 of them), Shrine of Storms (i’m too noob to play)

Forge of Souls? if you mean Bronjahm it was a homage to James Brown boss appearance and bgm, the fight has an achievement linked to James Brown as well.

The last boss was a notorious wiper if you had people who didn’t understand the mechanics when the boss turned female face. Had a lot of quitters after one wipe on that boss. Luckily I had done all the quests, including the Quel’Delar chain before I LFG’ed it with my guild.

I have very fond memories of AQ40. It had some awesome mechanics for a vanilla raid. Closely followed by Ulduar.

I played Vanilla, TBC, Cataclysm and BFA. I really liked TBC era but can’t even properly remember what the dungeons used to look like. From BFA:

Shrine of the storms and Waycrest Manor are really nice, while I hate Atal and Motherlorde.

I have many memories about instances because i play since day 1. But the one that will forever outshine any instance is UBRS-Classic.

I played a dwarfen huntress and it was my job to kite General Drakkisath. And by the time i made a challenge out of it. How far can i kite him back? First it was only the room of the Beast. Then it was the Arena of Rend Blackhand und finally step by step further back.

Ah yes. Hunter kitting. That’s something I sorely miss being a thing, was fun back then.

Forgot to add Zul Farrak on my list. Just leveled past Classic and got to run it on my rogue a few times. I do remember that place vividly and it was a ton of fun.

For me, it was entering icecrown.

It gave me that “WOW” Sensation. For a moment, I actually felt like being a character living in azeroth and entering this fortress, awaiting the unknown and hoping to defeat the lich king.

Specially when Arthas says: “You now stand upon the hallowed ground of the scourge. The light won’t protect you here paladin”. It was the first time that i actually felt chills when entering a raid.

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