Memorable instances

I played Vanilla, TBC, Cataclysm and BFA. I really liked TBC era but can’t even properly remember what the dungeons used to look like. From BFA:

Shrine of the storms and Waycrest Manor are really nice, while I hate Atal and Motherlorde.

I have many memories about instances because i play since day 1. But the one that will forever outshine any instance is UBRS-Classic.

I played a dwarfen huntress and it was my job to kite General Drakkisath. And by the time i made a challenge out of it. How far can i kite him back? First it was only the room of the Beast. Then it was the Arena of Rend Blackhand und finally step by step further back.

Ah yes. Hunter kitting. That’s something I sorely miss being a thing, was fun back then.

Forgot to add Zul Farrak on my list. Just leveled past Classic and got to run it on my rogue a few times. I do remember that place vividly and it was a ton of fun.

For me, it was entering icecrown.

It gave me that “WOW” Sensation. For a moment, I actually felt like being a character living in azeroth and entering this fortress, awaiting the unknown and hoping to defeat the lich king.

Specially when Arthas says: “You now stand upon the hallowed ground of the scourge. The light won’t protect you here paladin”. It was the first time that i actually felt chills when entering a raid.

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