Method just said

What if i wanna do mythic, method said it’s not possible without addons?

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we are not in molten core level of dificulty anymore lol

some scientists must be studing these races to see how far and atention spawn under pressure the human brain can function


yeah. 1st properly challenging boss somewhat was Nefarian (at time) and modern level of mechanics you started to see on C’thun and Nax40. You can see how Blizzard themselves are just learning. Do not get me wrong - at time - during wows early days those fights were just right difficulty and right way. They are products of their era and time.

But on modern days, when you can have so much happening during fight - having only one ability at time, or one whole total 2-3 abilities per fight makes it boring, predictable and underwhelming.

heck look some ‘simplified’ fights like HC editions of Antorus last boss, Tombs last boss, EP, Uldir etc - are relatively challenging. You can overgear them vastly and still nothing is too easy. Because they come with fair share of ballet. Modern raider generally loves ballet!

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nope want classic experience play classic guys!

I know you were sarcastic.

Would make mythic more intresting ( if it was mythic only )

I dont use any addons besides dominos & details … xd

simple solution…
have lfr raids, make normal raids harder, make heroic raids the equivalent of current mythic and make mythic raids the same as heroic but where addons are banned. Lets see anyone beat mythic then.
No, don’t wanna try that? no, cant play without addons? aw, im sure youre very talented at playing the game and not completely dependant on addons to do everything for you.

Give it a go blizz, give us a server where all addons are banned 100%. A server where no one can cross-server in, but you can cross-server out. Cmon, you can even ban /follow to eff up the multiscum.
Ill pay you to make a server like that, happy to move all my alts there too.
Cmon blizz, admit your game is addon dependent and there isn’t a player out there who could play without em to any form of high end.
Cmon, give us an addon banned server. No multiscum, no bots, no trash cross-servering with bots to farm gold, no AH farmers. Dare ya


I need my addons man

How am i gonna play without my heartstone, 12 toys mailbox & stormwind cloak on my action bar?!

Solution to what ? i see 0 problem.


Shut up, ugly.

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Listen up here you short bananapeel

I’ll have you know I’m a 10 foot tall Tauren in disguise!

Your still a bananapeel though!


Eh, I’d say DBM is the only addon that is absolutely necessary for any PvE that isn’t LFR. Weakauras is just convenient to have, though it’s possible on Mythic difficulty it really enhances your experiences.

I wouldn’t call it more interesting in sense that you’d need to reduce heavily player recation time penalties and other such things. I.e. one good example is degrees on Azshara fight. Due the fact you have add-ons Blizzard is able to make the reaction time to it relatively short. And even with addons screaming you what combinations you have - a lot of people constantly failed with it.

Without addons you can only have one timer control - that’s boss resource bar. Blizzard already uses it a lot to show us phase changes or ‘big bad ability incoming’ parts.

Addons add, not take away player stress and responsibility values in mythic raids.

Are there really any guilds around that raid current HC and mythic without addons? And succeed?

I actually use weakauras as primarily boss mod.

Than you get addons or wait until you outgear the content. Addons are free and so simple to get. Why should the game be simplified just because some people don’t want to take a minute out of their day to get an addon?

But… but Blizzard did not do those addons, so they must be bad !

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Method should git good! i cleared 3/12N no problems whatsoever.

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