Microsoft planning anything with WOW?

Fairly sure Tokens would dissapear if wow was included in game pass. Or would one be able to buy game pass with gold still?

Yeah there are so many aspects that have to be ironed out. It will definitely not happen overnight, if at all.

And as we know, it is dying every day since release. ded gaem they say

Dead game console id say, what has Microsoft shown as of the last 10+ years?

they’re running at a loss it was confirmed months ago, Though with how big microsoft is they still want to produce games for gamepass as a core, People seem to forget that Microsoft do more than Xbox stuff and funnelling other profits towards gamepass "which they done by purchasing studios is a investment for the future.

As for the people saying Xbox is a dead console you do realise their target audenicnes are both pc and console and they’re bringing over 20 games to game pass which a lot are big titles while PS5 had like 2 games and have had some of the worst press recently of this year.

Also wow can be played on a controller very easily, my friend has a rog and it works flawlessly on it.

Another thing entirely is the immense potential of World of Warcraft when talking about the metaverse. We keep forgetting about it but it is actively being worked on. Now THAT is an audience everyone wants to get a piece of. And in that case it does not matter, console or PC. It will be goggles and VR/AR.

They overbought studios that has yet to bear fruit of an actual good game while at the same time shutting down the ONE that did. And the point about PS5, despite their bad press how many consoles have they sold VS whatever current gen Xbox is named?

Microsoft is not a good game developer, they are not the competition that Sony needs to push themselfs to be better.

Yeah, but changing retail in such a way will majorly drive away the majority of the current playerbase, I believe. I know it will drive me away, at the very least.

That’s where disagree then. At least on the first part of what you’re saying.
But; ‘innovate’ can be done in many ways. Many less destructive ways.

Well, we’ll see.

Ah. Well it doesn’t surprise me. The ‘streaming’ model only works when there aren’t too many competitors so ‘everyone’ will subscribe to your service (or if you stop investing too much into content to lure people into the service - but that is quite the balancing act).

they going to :milk_glass: :milk_glass: :milk_glass: :milk_glass:

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Would Blizzard even get any of the gamepass money? It would essentially make wow be on a near F2P state no?

The loss of sub + token money wouldnt be a small hit on their earnings.

I can only see WoW being included in the Gamepass subscription if it was in the ultimate subscription. Even then I doubt that they will because it would be a loss of money.

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