Missing Twitch Drop - Blazing Hippogryph

Claimed it 11 hours ago and yet I don’t have it. :frowning: Everything is verified, i got the portal Heartstone toy before but not the mount.

I’m at 17 hours and still waiting.

19 hours and still no mount

I also did not receive the Blazing Hippogryph yet. Claimed it yesterday.
Last week’s Ethereal Portal took less than a couple of hours to appear in-game.

Im also waiting for Blazing Hippoghyph. Its almost 24 hours and still nothing. I got all previous rewards almost instantly.

Hey all,

I can confirm that this is currently under investigation by our developers. There may be some confusion that may have occurred following the order of the rewards last week.

As with the previous Drops, please make sure that:

  • You have attached your Twitch account, from the Battle.net website (and not the other way around). If you haven’t done so, you should have up to 7 days to do so after claiming a reward.
  • You have claimed the Drop on Twitch’s side.
  • You have waited 48 hours after claiming the Drop: it is not uncommon for Drops to be delivered after a day or two depending on the number of claims happening at the time.

You can post the following information if the issue persists:

  • Verify and confirm that your Twitch account is linked on your Battle.net account management page
  • Verify and confirm that you have claimed the Drop on Twitch
  • Confirm that you have waited 48 hours

Please use this thread as soon as possible. We cannot guarantee that the developers will have the ability to verify if you were eligible after a few days once the event ends.

If you haven’t receive the Drop on Twitch (i.e. there’s nothing to claim in your inventory), you can also find more information:

Finally, please note that Game masters cannot grant Twitch Drops via tickets. Our developers are however investigating the issue, and should be fixing broken claims / rewards on their end.

I know it can take up to 24 hours for the drops to arrive but I had no issues with the other drops. they took 6 hours and less so what is the reason I haven’t gotten the Hippogryph in so long?

Probably that there are a lot of people claiming it and that is delaying it.

It just seems odd though. I claimed the Feldrake on drop release and had no issues. I’m just surprised it’s taking this long since none of the other drops took longer than 6 hours.

Of the last three I had, 1 was instant, 1 was about 3 hours and another took a day and a half.

Looks like I’m one of the “taking a week before I get my drop” person. I have 0 patience but what other choice do I have lol

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I’m currently at 93% so I haven’t gotten the mount yet. I’ll let you know how long it takes when I hit 100%.

I should have watched the stream the day before end date. Less people claiming mount lol. I was tempted to do so but figured since I was going g to bed 2 hours in I left the stream running.

It didn’t appear after half an hour so I’ll check back later.

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I haven’t gotten mine after 19 hours but it seems like something might be wrong with the blizzard servers as I get a
“Server Error: We couldn’t retrieve some of your information. Please try again in a few minutes.”
Whenever I check the connections tab on battle.net.

I also did not receive the Blazing Hippogryph yet. Claimed it yesterday.
Last week’s Ethereal Portal took less than a couple of hours to appear in-game.

Yeah I’ve been getting that error for a couple of hours now.

Merged another thread. Please see my previous response.

Also still waiting for mine for over 21 hours now while the Portal was given almost instantly

I give it 48 hours, cos am connected on blizz site and twitch never had problem with all the other drops. Not rly in a rush.

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