Mograine Questing as an ally is impossible

All you say is just screaming in empty room. Problem is that 90% of pvp servers population don’t like world pvp unless they are kicking **** of enemy that can’t resist you. You can’t make people play alliance or horde or make them play on server they don’t want. Not that players even wanted it. Firemaw and gehenas showed tru colors of what casuals rly want from pvp servers.
What are you doing is trying to be some useless martyr. Game won’t become better only because you suffer for our sins by just endlessly dying from gankers and campers.

Then what is the issue with what i ask of Blizzard ? As in one way free faction changes and maybe some little incentive/reward for people who do choose to transfer ? Go figure there might actually be players on a dominating faction who joined pvp server to do some actual pvp and not be surrounded by your own faction barely ever seeing an enemy. Those might choose to transfer, there are others with no attachments to any side as in no guild worth mentioning or server buddies those might choose to transfer to receive a reward of some kind. The only thing that might get hurt by this proposal is Blizzards pockets (free transfers). I don’t understand the reason people like you keep trying to shut down people talking about this issue. Its a win win for the player.

Turns out that all the Alliance on Gehennas except for APES and Salad Bakers were casuals because after Salad Bakers switched to Horde and APES disbanded we (the Horde) destroyed them in PVP and ganked them and terrorized them the same way they terrorized us in Classic, so the entire Alliance dissolved and fled to Firemaw until Gehennas became 99% Horde. Crazy that only two guilds kept the entire faction together and after they left no other guild could protect Alliance players from us and they just ran away like dogs with their tail between their legs.

i bet you those exact people that fled to Alliance dominated server cause they could not handle true pvp servers are now spamming “move to pve if you can’t handle pvp” from the safety of their 99% dominated “pvp” servers

Maybe. I’m just relating history btw. I’m not trying to make any point. I’m just recounting what happened on Gehennas and how it became a monofaction realm.

edit - there’s a part I omitted. Due to all the Gehennas Alliance flooding Firemaw (they actually went there because the APES remnants went there so everyone else followed) they caused faction imbalance and that in turn caused the Firemaw Horde to mass migrate to Gehennas. That’s how we got 2 monofaction mega servers.

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I know mate. And Tbh i have Horde toons i created first on Mograine some are even leveled to 50+ i just cant handle playing on a pvp server and seeing no PvP. Constantly surrounded by your own faction seeing poor random enemy zerged while trying to quest. So i made a decision to switch to ally side. Still it hurts seeing the rest of the server level way past you while you trying to survive and being left further and further behind

Damn. I didn’t mind becoming monofaction because it kinda felt like we finally managed to overcome our oppressors and destroy them and take over the whole world. The general mood on monofaction Gehennas was that of triumph and relief. Lol.

But at the same time I actually understand where you’re coming from.

I am on Ashbringer for a week now. I moved because of the 10h queues. It was weird seeing Alliance players in the world after so long.

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By all means i never tried to shut you down. Quite opposite i want people like you to talk cause it brings me laugh

Also bro no offense but it sounds like you’re some sort of masochist or survivalist role-player. :cold_face:

As i was killing my 10th ally with a mob group in Zul’Drak, i was thinking to myself.

Live and let live bro’s

Before we drive out the last remaiming ally on the server lmao

The last Allies on Gehennas had a guild called Left Behind. I thought it was funny.

something like that and i didn’t play tbc to. My horde chars where from Vanilla and i skipped tbc so no PVP gear or any gear i entered outlands and then Northrend i almost full green gear :). Was being one shot in a drive by, by Shamans with Thunderstorm cause they enjoyed watching my body fly xD. In northrend though it got to the point where i could not quest at all so no progress at all and there is no RDF tool so dgs are a no go too so started leveling in pvp gearing up with honor and such …but its slow …

Any imbalanced realm is the same, there is no solution you either grit through or leave.

Bro you really need to get out of there. Blizzard are too indolent and disinterested to ever fix these issues. And given their track record they would probably only mess things up even more if they tried. You know this. There’s no other way but to transfer. Come to Ashbringer because it seems pretty balanced and alive.

I will definitely check Ashbringer out …too bad the xp bonus is no more …leveling will be a pain.

Do you know what faction is the minority? I prefer joining that one.

Cant find faction balance info on wow tavern

Bro you pay to play, if you don’t want to pay - go to a private server instead.
If you don’t want to get bullied - use the free transfer and go to a horde-pop realm or a PVE one.

The Alliance but I really don’t know by how much. When I transferred a week ago it was fairly balanced, like almost 50/50 or 55/45. I’m not sure now and idk where to check since Blizzard refuses to publicize any official statistics regarding realm populations (exact number of active players, faction balance, etc) and the available unofficial sources are not reliable.

There’s been a steady influx of Horde from Gehennas but as far as I know there’s also been a lot of Alliance coming in from Firemaw. The faction balance is probably already changed, and could be something like 60/40. But again, idk.

You should make a thread about this because I’m sure there’s people from Ashbringer who know these things better than me or at least have clearer and more accurate estimates. If the balance continues to shift in Horde’s favor then you might end up in the exact same situation as now in a month or two.

It’s all messed up.

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I want to play on a pvp server, but only If my faction is bigger tha nthe other faction. That is the mindset of these new fake pvp players and exactly why we ended up with mono faction servers.

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in classic alliance was the weaker faction so youre literally crying about losing agains the minority faction and then “we destroyed them”… LIke wow, you guys are so insane!