Mop Remix , Reputation rolling back

The more I grind rep , the more rep i lose in Mop Remix. Shieldwall went down from honoured to friendly after “gaining 8000k rep” Anyone else had rep issues?


Just checked my reputations that I all got to exalted, on my Evoker. Apart from Black Prince, they’re all still at exalted.

So no idea what is happening on your end.

Did not happen to me, got exalted with Sunreaver Onslaught just yesterday and I remember getting an achievement, but today when I looked, I am still exalted but I do not have the achievement. Weird.

Maybe you could check if this is a display issue. Try to disable all your addons and reload your UI. If the issue still persists, file an in-game bug report. Even if it affects just one character, it is still pretty bad.

same happened to me with shado pan.

You are not alone with the reputation issues. Hopefully something they can fix soon.


It’s not about how they are displayed, it’s the fact that they roll back your reputation HARD.

Getting rolled back thousands of rep. Every time I gain some isn’t really fun.

From my logs:
[22:37] Reputation with The Klaxxi increased by 10000. (+5000.0 bonus)
[22:37] You are now Revered with The Klaxxi.
[22:37] Reputation with The Klaxxi decreased by 9500.
[22:37] You are now Honored with The Klaxxi.
[11:45] Reputation with The Klaxxi increased by 1000. (+500.0 bonus)
[11:45] Reputation with The Klaxxi decreased by 500.

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Yep exactly this , it’s like they added a minus before every bit of rep you get on the log. Guildie confirmed this is something that happened to him with the valdrakken accord as well.

yes i got the same but for iskaara reputation.
I gained like 350 then lost 2500.

chance its the warband reputation and personal reputation getting in the way of eachother

could always check with a quartermaster up until what rep level it’ll sell you things to hard confirm if its really just a display issue or more then that

More than that, adding up all the rep I lost would have put me to exalted with the following achievement. But I have not received any achievements.

since the pre patch i’ve been trying to do operation shield wall and every quest i do it gives me like 1500 rep then decreases by 1250 also when i complete all the shieldwall dailies all the other dailies around the map for other factions seem to disappear

Same thing happening here.

Quested with Klaxxi tonight, lost a total of 12000 (!) rep points handing in quests, maybe more, I’m not sure because I didn’t check the chat log that closely the whole time.

I would have gone into revered and almost halfway to exalted counting gains, but now I’m back to honored again… facepalm

What on earth is going on, and will my rep be refunded? I sure hope so.

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