More Vulpera skin tones

How is you baiting people and therefore getting reported proof?

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How is stating facts baiting

Youā€™re not stating factsā€¦Youā€™re just being obnoxious baiting people to report you so you can go crying that there is some secret community that mass flags peopleā€¦failing to see that the things you say are obnoxiousā€¦

Also best stop derailing this topic.

Tail jewels for vulpera like the vulpine familiar mount has would be nice too :smile:


Vulpera donā€™t need more though, they have plenty of custumizations and disagreeing with me isnā€™t reason to flag. thereā€™s also no mass flag anything itā€™s 1 person with no life

The first rule of some secret community that mass flags people is: you do not talk about some secret community that mass flags people.
The second rule of some secret community that mass flags people is: you DO NOT talk about some secret community that mass flags people!

:gun: :goat:


Iā€™m sorryā€¦please forgive me I wonā€™t speak of the community again :sob:

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You are forgiven :revolving_hearts:

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i love this qoute!

the more colors the better. I mean with all the colorful vulpine creatures in wow you would think they would consider adding them in the beginning.

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Iā€™m still upset they didnā€™t get a lama race mountā€¦

That hyena-caravan looks awesome thoā€™ :thinking:

It doesā€¦but a Dolly or Dot would have been even more awesome! The hyena could have been a reputation mount imo :unamused:

Reins of the Springfur Alpaca

I ment more like instead of the caravan hyena

Hairstyles and different tails vulpera needs ā€¦

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Wise Yoda is

not a Vulpera fan tho

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Ah yes, a man of culture right aboveā€¦

No, we need more options for blood elf.


if Blood/Void elves could get NozdormuĀ“s beard

Oh you troublemakerā€¦

OMG yes the slanted eyes, elongated face and the far eastern moustache


IDK what youā€™re talking about

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