Most fun tank for you

All tanks have their mitigations or self heals, by your definition all tanks are freaks?

DK, DH, Paladin, Monk, Druid… all have great self heals…

Freaks the lot of them, I guess what i’m trying to say is… Me warrior, me strong! :sweat_smile:

As long as you have your healer…and their mana holds out considering warrior’s heals are less than others right? .:stuck_out_tongue:

In an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice “COME ON HEAL ME!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?”

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I think you mean?.. enjoy :wink:


Disagree. You roll a tank to take the blows, to make sure your team gets across the line. If you can help your healer, you should. If you can help a dps, you should. If you can keep a caster silenced forever, you should.

At least that’s why a Prot Paladin is the ultimate tank for me. Surviveability + deep toolkit. And it’s why they are so much fun. You can do just about everything that needs be done, and you don’t just tank, you get the job done. Hell, in raids, with the right talents, bubble is an AWESOME raid mitigation tool even.


This videos literally made my night. Perfectly sumd up a noob alt run we did other night lol, I was healing on druid and got rooted by 2nd boss in TD, tank was screaming for heals and we were all in tears laughing. Full s*** show run, but was so funny.

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I can’t pick between these:

DH - I love the fast paced gameplay and mobility. And the sound effect of Infernal Strike is a bliss. But so weak on mitigation, which matters for a tank…

Paladin - Got an answer for everything, strong utility, love the golden light theme of the abilities. Sad mobility, however.

DK - Grip and choke are amazing, but the visuals and sounds are so subtle I barely notice I am doing anything besides mashing buttons. Sad mobility too.

As a melee I like to have some magical powers and ranged abilities, a bit of esoteric feel to the class. Can’t say Monk, because I like taking my classes seriously and I can’t do that while throwing kegs of brew at enemies and doing questionably martial arts movements :wink:

Pala warrior both fun to play.
DK is next.
Druid changed a lot - right now I don’t like design of druid tank.
Monk is fun but not my cup of tea - not fan of stagger.
DH just don’t like it at all - those sigils mechanic need to to go.

I have never played a tank but i had great fun with Prot Warrior in Legion. I even did an LFR with it.

In BfA i am not really entering dungeons as a DPS much worse as to tank. What a disappoinment.

Protection paladin for life. I started as a shield-wearing paladin in Diablo II, and it still holds today. One could say I am suffering from an addiction, but in truth, I am enjoying it. x)
That being said, demon hunter is quite fun too. It feels somewhat squishier (to me, anyway) than a protection paladin, but the mobility and (percieved) speed of performance is quite fun too.
I haven’t tried other tanking specs at max level yet; I did dabble into monk tanking, but so far, I only got my monk tank alt to lvl30-ish. At that level, though, they do feel sufficiently fun to keep levelling every now and then (once my HoA farm finally finishes ><).

So far the tanks I’ve enjoyed most are are the leather tanks. I’ve played monk the most, mained DH in Legion and played a druid up to 111 atm. Seeing the posts about Guardians at 120 being much improved makes me want one, but I’ll probably wait for Worgen Revamp tbh, as she’s a kul tiran (my heritage armour char) and admittedly I don’t really like any of the alliance druid races too much–but alliance is my main faction. Dilemmas.

I love all the utility monks bring and the mobility is really awesome. So long as you avoid body pulling you can use the space to tank without weathering melee blows. It just feels really cheeky. Smacking people with a stick is awesome too.

With DH ill be honest it was mainly regarding how OP I was in 5 mans. The self sustain was insane as was the damage. Predictably got nerfed. I haven’t tried one in BFA yet. I will at some point, its just again the race thing (I’m not a huge fan of elves)

The other tank I’m most curious about is DK. Probably because I haven’t played DK properly above 100.

Warrior tanking and paladin felt fine in terms of performance, but something about them just didn’t chime with me. I dunno, what it is though.

If the rumours are true re: tinkers and a possible tanking spec I’ll be all over that, if only to give a another non plate tank a spin.


Only tank I seem to enjoy tanking as, and I enjoy it every expansion I’ve tried it since WotLK. It feels reactive and fast paced. The druid feels shallow, the warrior feels odd(something doesn’t quite appeal to me, but not entirely sure what it is). The rest I haven’t tried though.

The gorilla lacks some animations, just sayin’.

Other than that it’s pretty cool though. I like swinging that big arm around, even though the form is a bit too maskuline for my female nightelf…

I started my tanking career as a warlock with a voidwalker, back in vanilla, whenever we couldn’t find a tank for an instance group. It wasn’t exactly fun, but it was challenging. I continued the tradition on my shaman, where I tanked everything up to and including BRD as an enh shaman. Now that was fun and challenging!

I’ve tanked with a warrior through BC and WotLK until Ulduar, and it was fun, but I hated all other warrior specs outside of prot, so couldn’t do much with the char outside of raids and dungeons. Questing as prot was boring. Safe, easy, but boring.

I had a lower-level paladin tank alt too, but we didn’t quite click.

So I switched to DK, but not the cookie-cutter blood build: I was a DW frost tank (main tanked a number of server firsts on it, too, it worked!), loved every bit of it, and frost was a fun spec for DPS too, so I kept playing that char until I quit at the end of WotLK.

I came back in 8.1, tried monk, druid and DH tanking. Monk’s fun, druid tanking isn’t my thing, DH was super frustrating for tanking.

My final list thus is Enh Shaman > DW frost DK > Monk > Warrior > Paladin > Druid > Warlock > DH.

For me tank without a 1h sword and a shield is not a tank!!!

War n Dudu (with werebear skin only)

DK, hands down most fun i had.
Followed closely by warrior, more mobile then my DK, less survivability.

3rd place is a tie between druid and DH, both mobile and can survive brutal attacks, DH more then druid.

Paladin, hard to kill, yet not something i love to play.
Monk, can’t get used to stagger.

Depending per expansion i level them in different order, but always my DK first

Druid is my tank and Ursoc (the EN boss) skin is my looks… "You dare to challenge a GOD?!!

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