Muh Immersion Bruh 👿

I agree, far too sweet for me. Crunchy peanut butter is much nicer.


Yeah, not a big Nutella fan either. Used to be, when I was a kid, but these days, I barely eat chocolate at all. The sweet flavor kinda fell out of… flavor.

Picked up a taste for hot food and curries, though. Not sure if that’s better.


I don’t like Nutella can we replace it with dairy milk chocolate spread? Or crunchie chocolate spread? :heart_eyes:

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Thanks for this thread @Twiluna

Gave me so many laughs!


Flashbacks of this awful stuff on a butty - was better than fish paste I guess ewww


Nugatti™ is where it’s at.


Always a pleasure!
slides away on a chocolate spread slip’n’slide

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Yes we can if you want if i had trust level I would link you some milk chocolate from my country it’s very delicious and appetizing.

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There’s a pretty popular Italian “nutella-like” thing. It contains no palm oil, is more milky and less sweet. I prefer it much more over nutella even though it’s more expensive. Not sure if I’m allowed to name the brand but it should be easy to Google because of the popularity.

There’s also a couple of Swiss chocolatiers making “their own” versions. I had a ~30 € small jar of one once and it was amazing.

What I want to say is: there’s a lot of Nutella inspired products that are better than the original.

Furthermore since I occasionally drive to Germany for cheap shopping, I noticed that the nutritional values and ingredient list of the German nutella is different from the nutella sold in Switzerland.

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Just use the Preformatted text option


Fish paste > that weird vegetable sandwich spread they used to put on the free school meals sandwiches at schools in the 80s :rofl: dunno what that stuff actually was but I’m sure anyone forced to eat it could sue for child abuse!


I love Marmite!



Just don’t try Vegemite it’s God awful :nauseated_face:.

Chocolate spread is awesome! Chocolate spread is cool when it’s part of a team.


Isn’t that the same thing?

Have my high-five :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: because Blizz has restrained my love :confused:

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Wasn’t marmite, I looooove marmite. Was white with tiny flakes of carrot and possibly peas in it.

Think it was actually called sandwich spread but looked like salad cream mixed with tears of poor children and the :face_vomiting: of those that ate it before…

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I’m not sure I think Vegemite is Australian vegetable paste it tastes too sour while marmite is more ok.

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