Multiboxing - Why does Blizzard STILL allow this?

I don’t think the size of the zone matters too much

Why ? I can’t really think of any reason it would be.

All the problems people describe on these kinds of threads fall 100% within the domain of gathering professions, or herbalism specifically. You’re just a bit more likely to notice a Multibox-train doing it, rather than a group of 10 random grouped herbalists, but the problems would be identical.

I’ll quote one of my examples from last week, to save myself from making the same argument again:

Multiboxing is clearly making a large portion of the community unhappy. What could the reason be for blizzard to allow this? . . .I wonder.

And that’s one of many alternative systems they could have easily gone for, had they foreseen all this.

What do you base that on.

It’s been explicitly allowed since vanilla, so they’d have to have made that determination back then, i’m sure the handful of boxers back then didn’t even bring in enough money to cover Blizzards coffee expenses. It’s also allowed in many other/similar games.