Music Thread 🎶 (Part 1)
Your friendly neighbourhood Beefyclown

i dont remember if i already shared it but whatever.

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I may not look like my former Beefyclown self, but I am still amazing. Trust me :clown_face:

Lets have a song man.

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I didn’t wanna watch the whole video, but it just happened I guess. What movie is this? It’s actually funny :melting_face:

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Old scooter best song :smiley:

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I missed you murbastic

Here, lets enjoy Stifler and dance!

Hasselhoff is a GOD! Or the “GOAT” as some boomers say these days.

Oh and speaking of Goat. Metal Goat version

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All pets shoud be free if u ask me, they do not belong in cages.

Not cool.

I very much agree.

Even though most humans live in “mental” cages like sheep. You are very correct

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