Music Thread 🎶 (Part 1)

Amazing performance by Ted Levine.
Also great track

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i do like this song .

not heard it in a long time.

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My biggest wish was once that Freddy Kreuger would visit me and chase me

I would show him some moves. Trust the clown

what a great voice :+1:

I love happy family movies

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good tune ^^

not heard before

Clown ran out of likes.

This clip should bring a smile to some of you


Say his name 10 times in a row. :clown_face:

Your friendly neighbourhood beefy McClowny mcQuack brings to you all, another amazing piece of music clip

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As always, no hate in my bones, just a little bit of resentment and being against bullying/harassment and negativity/double standards in general.

I truly had an amazing time here the past few years and I can’t thank all (most) of you enough

I’m logging out and I won’t return (until they release Cata Classic!) Much Happiness, clown wishes to you!

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all the best buddie ^^

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