MVP how does it work

Negative enough for Blizzard


you reckon I can become a CM?

I’ve been imitating myself all my life and Im still not an MVP (not on forums - im irl MVP). :smiley:

I’d love to be a CM however tho, i’d contribute a lot to make forums and hopefully a game too to a degree, a much better place.

You should keep an eye out on the Blizzard careers page. Sometimes CM positions do open up. ^^


Well, that’s only because Blizzard are too shortsighted to appreciate the value your threads add to the forums.

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CM positions seem to be very volatile. One week they hire them, the next one fire them.

Its hard to tell, you are a good player and I like you :smiley: :wink:, but sometimes you get emotional because of the game which is understandable since you’re such passionate player. I got the feeling how when looking for the MVP-s Blizzard is looking for cool headed types of the people which act almost as professional CM, but still have their own opinion about the things in the game.

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Im flattered :blush: :flushed:

I can be cold headed tho… when it pays off! :stuck_out_tongue: but Im mostly in my hot state

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