My macro suddenly stopped working today. please help me!

My macro used to work fine, until today… I logged on and suddenly I cannot Condemn/Execute my target … This is my macro.

#showtooltip Condemn
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [@mouseover, exists] [@target] Condemn

#showtooltip Execute
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [@mouseover, exists] [@target] Execute

I even tried this and it still didn’t work

#showtooltip Condemn
/cast Condemn

#showtooltip Execute
/cast Execute

P.S Condemn and Execute work if I don’t use a macro for it… all my other macros work fine.

Hey there Mullâh,

I was able to find an old forum post for exactly the same issue and it appears to be intermittent bug with Venthyr. Relog your Warrior will fix it.

Can I get you to also submit a bug report ingame if you get a chance? This helps with the player impact tracking they see as not everyone reaches out to us.

I also moved this over to the UI and Macro forum for better coverage.

I had to relog 3 times. the first and second time nothing happened so I switched over to using the ability as normal(without macro code) and after some BG’s I read your reply and I relogged and this time it worked… You lifted a curse on my Warrior Tritambarum by just leaving a reply I think :laughing: :sweat_smile:… im going to report the bug “in game” as well.

Have a blessed day.

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Because Execute automatically becomes Condemn you can optimize things to:

/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Execute

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