My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

It amaze’s me you are still being told you are not enjoying it, when you clearly are and just wanted it a little better nothing more.

It’s often one extreme or the other, unfortunately. Either you’re entirely in favor or entirely in opposition. The nuanced in-between position seems rather more reasonable given how big, broad, and diverse a product WoW is. But it doesn’t hold much favor on the forums. People tend to be drawn to comment on that which they either strongly agree with or strongly disagree with.
It is what it is. :slight_smile:

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why r people misquoting me…yikes

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This thread is like a train crash thats been run through a blender.

Jito: “Hi, this is my subjective opinion”

Billyblue: “You’re wrong”

I love a pointless argument more than most but holy hell.


My friend, I’m more than willing to remind you that you became confrontational long before I did.

Let’s get that straight.

Yes, I tried to give you some insightful inputs and you completely cut me off

I provided the answers to the questions you gave me and you threw my thoughts and opinions to one side!

Then you accused me of being aggressive and the told me you didn’t want to talk to me anymore because you weren’t willing to discuss our differences of opinions… like adults.

Now, I have actually acknowledged my behaviour (since you started your aggression) twice in this thread already. Yet you haven’t even had the decency to either thank me for acknowledged or apologise for your own behaviour.

I have pointed how your presentation doesn’t do your actually opinion justice.

You keep saying duly noted. But what you should probably do is just update your original post to be more respentative of you actually opinions that Warcraft is still good, and add some bullet points to make it easily readable. So other people don’t come along and have the same misunderstandings I did.

I’m not asking you to change your opinion. I’m asking that you don’t paint it as the trash pile your ratings system makes it out to be.

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I find Questing and story in zones are pretty rich compared to what WoW has offered the player for a Long time.

You actually get to explore the little tid bits of story, which as you said maybe insignificant on grand scale, but that is exactly what makes up for good roleplaying game. Its brimming with life, we get to see at some point how the centaur are living or those small character flaws and heroic moments.

There’s planty of those. Ones that I would point out would be the Red dragon remkniscing about the old days near Life pools, or the old Dragonmaw soldier burdened with guilt or the big doggo who finds its calling in Ohnaran planes.

Its small things, but those small things are the best part to see how regular people or advanturers live. Its certainly a step in right direction and I look forward seeing more such quests.

I would give the questing 4.5 stars so far in DF

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Yeah I can see from that perspective how there’s a lot of value in the Tuskarr quests and how Iskaara is a horn of plenty in terms of having a little Tuskarr society that’s filled with small stories relating to different characters. A small orphaned child who’s trying to be brave and heroic, a painter who doesn’t enjoy painting, and so forth.

If that kind of story and questing experience is the appeal of WoW, then I can certainly understand why someone would rate Dragonflight very high.

Personally though, as I said, I want dragons in all their epic glory, and I don’t feel like I get a whole lot of that despite the expansion being called Dragonflight.
I’d sacrifice every single Tuskarr child in Iskaara just to see Deathwing fly over the camp and burn it all to the ground with terrorizing flames of destruction. And he can take out all the Gnolls as well, as far as I’m concerned.

I’m not very amendable to the Centaur storyline, even from the perspective of being Sir David Attenborough who’s studying their way of life up close. Not because it’s bad, but because Blizzard have done much better before.
Spires of Arak in Warlords of Draenor. There’s so much more depth to the Arakkoa and their life in the shadows; wingless, oppressed, and envious of Skyreach. The lore with the Talon King, Sethe, Anzu, and so forth.
The story and lore in The Spires of Arak can fill a book. The Ohn’ahran Plains has story and lore to fill a few chapters at most.
I just expect better, because I have seen Blizzard provide better in the past.

It’s not bad, and I can see why some people might like the Centaur warriors and hunters. But personally? They don’t hold a candle to the Klaxxi Paragons in The Dread Wastes.

Yeah and I pointed out the red dragon reminiscing about his past as well. And everyone else in the community will point out those examples as memorable quest lines as well. Fan-sites highlight them all the time too.
They’re there, and they’re good, but they’re too few.
With hundreds of quests in every zone I feel like I should have dozens of memorable quest lines, but I really only have 3-4 per zone. That’s a sign of mediocrity to me if only a few out of hundreds of quests are fondly remembered.

But I do appreciate that others like the story and questing experience for what it is. :slight_smile:

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art 5 and open world is good. Everything else 1 or 0
Dungeon are azz, m+ is pur cancer. raid is worse than castle nathria and boring af. Profession worst we ever had and timegated af. main city laggy af. Pvp could be fun but solo shuffle is so bad as a healer and dont want to waste my time in q as a dps.

It’s their review versus yours, nothing needs correction here.


Telling people their opinion is wrong strikes me as confrontational.


2.3 million

WoD lost 3.3 million 1st quarter after that they didnt report numbers anymore. If you are going to state numbers atleast bring a source to it.
Most subs left at the end of a very long SoO patch only to come back in WoD at 10million to drop off drastically when no flying was announced and the launch problems.

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