Mythic+ and leavers

I have seen so many people struggling with people leaving mythic+ dungeons when it is still time-able. When you play with full premade of course this is not an issue, but happens sometimes in the PUG world. If it is a big issue or not is debatable but the main point it still happens

I was thinking how to solve it without penalty those who leaves when it is not time-able and what if you get like 1-2 hours cooldown to join another one if you leave, but the group have access to a button to “surrender/give up” the key. If more than 3 people press yes, then anyone can leave afterwards without any penalty (Similar how other games handle leavers)

That way, you can as a group agree to stop, and if you have that one person who wants to leave at the start but rest wants to continue, he will be less tempted to leave and try anyway as long as the group are up for it

The downside I can see with this is if premades “traps” the other to play, but then again, it is not the worst thing in the world to wait 1-2 hours and it is about reducing the “toxicity”, it will never be perfect, just improving it

Edit: I see a lot of people still confused what the post is about. This post is not about IF people are leaving. It is not about a complete fix. This post IS about what if we had a surrender button and if that would reduce the amount of people complaining over it

Another thing to note that I already wrote about. This is not about me. I do not have any issues either way, I am open minded. I am speaking about the general PUG scene who plays only PUGs (That is not me)

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this would punish leavers tho and the little babies will come scream that at you. the best fix imo is just dont drop the key if someone leaves, only do that if you dont time it or talk to the vendor

Like i said at the bottom, almost any change will make someone “angry”, but it is about making the best out of it. Would you rather have 100 angry guys because of the leavers or 10 angry guys because they can’t leave at the start

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How about the people causing leavers getting the cooldown?

“We go 4 stacks” they say before we even start an algethar key.

We have 4 stacks on bird boss. Guy is standing at the spot to throw the next ball. He doesn’t throw it in and everyone but me and the tank dies. Tank leaves.

Why should the tank get a cooldown for that guy throwing?

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If leavers are such a big problem for you, I recommend findnig some friends or a guild to do keys with. If it’s a full premade, you won’t have leaver problems anymore.

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Yeah, everyone does mistakes and the system will never be perfect like i said. If I am in a guild raid as tank, and the dps doesn’t click a button on time, we will die. Doesn’t mean you need to end the entire raid and leave the guild. Mistakes will always happen. Tanks, healers, DPS, doesn’t matter, the world is not perfect and the system will never be perfect. You either keep going as a group or give that key up by pressing the button

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Except a raid doesn’t require you to time it to get score.

M+ keys do once you go beyond 10s. If you’re gonna go over time, you might as well not continue.

It is not a big problem for me, I play with premades most of the time. I was just reading discord/guild/soical media/fourms about it and people are struggling with it

Mythic dungeons are formed at will and no leaver penalty will be issued for any, people can have connection issues or something RL happens. If and only if someone says they’re joining to ruin your key you can report them for that. Otherwise, carry on.

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Yes I agree, that’s why I was coming up with this button that makes it possible that you can leave the dungeon and not get any punishment at all if it won’t be timed/score anyway. In this arguement, I am talking about in a world where it can be timed, not in a world when it is not time-able

This topic has pretty much been done to death, with people highlighting the issues of either trying to force people to stay or who they sacrifice to take the penalty

I could go on but it’s never ending.

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I leave keys all the time if the group isn’t up to standard. For example, tree boss in AA, people not stacking, clearing their debuff etc. As a healer, no thanks. Leave Nelth when people get hit by the charge from the mammoth. Simple things that people can’t manage.

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So holding someone hostage.

Yeah I can agree that real life happens and people should not be punished heavily because of that. I would never want to have a heavy punishment because of my internet/real life happens. That’s why I stated if there should be a punishment, it should be a “light” one such 1-2 hour debuff (just like there is for leaving a dungeon from group finding 30 min)

Another one of these. Great.

OK. Shoot ! I wanna hear it.

Ahhh… close but no cigar.

No thanks. If there is an idiot in the group, I dont want to be forced to stay in that group.

Or any other reason to force me to stay in that group. Im out of there.

Everything that follows after that is just an overly complex way of achieving nothing at all.

Leavers happen. Deal with it.

So my message to those that complain about leavers is :

If you are systematically seeing leavers ALL THE TIME, even if its timeable… The common factor in those PuG groups is YOU. Not them. :slight_smile:


LFD has a penalty because it’s matchmade content.

This is true, and has been almost since the launch of Mythic+. People have been complaining about it for years. That is why I was thinking if there is a solution to this or if it will continue having people complaining about it till end of time

I want to note again, I do not have issues with it myself because I play the premades. I have friends that mention it almost daily and other medias as well, and continue to do so. All I am doing is brainstorming about a solution for those

Not even HandSome Orc Man fart and go , simple go , the least for them is the fart and go

yeah i agree. I just know these threads never end well. we get the same 3 or 4 people condescending us explain why this is terrible