Mythic Dungeon 10+

WoW politics

That’s my stop word.

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I’m not part of any keygroups, however logically if they do a +10 with many every week and have the sense to do at least a +11 every week, the community as a whole should have a vast selection of +10 keys available the next week. Worst case it’s a +9 they have to just one chest or more and then run again.

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Well yeah… like if i want to run my key i just post a «anyone wanna join my +10 UR, need tank and 3 dps. Not worried about timer, just want to get the key done». If i want to time stuff i usually just go with my regular group. And also ppl can get into lower keys if they dont want to pug, or just want to practice without the go go go mentality.


Basically this, also when i have a key that i want to time i know exactly who in the community to ask to get this done, so whenever i just post it in community chat it automatically means i dont care about any timer


the brain

the heart

the courage

looks like i am ready for my journey to OZ land :blush:


Sir , I would like to say that this was smooth

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Your competition is 440+ these days. Best advice is to push your own key

When you get to 1000+ rio it is when you begin to stand out.
430+ ilvl helps too, although you need less than that to do M +10, but you know, the higher the more chances…
Being a Rogue, Mage or having battle ress is a + but that doesn’t mean everyone else is out.

Wait which one was the courage again? The lion? Cool ive always wanted to be a kittycat

Are you looking for people to play with Thrusdvar? Can prolly tag along with me and my friends for some 10s+ now and again. Need your btag however. Always looking to increase friend pool!

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You need to be about 800 rio, 435 ilvl to get into pug +10 key.
Or you should have a main with lets say 1500 or 1800 rio.

But I can defenetily tell you that compettition for m+ is huge. Even main char rio wont buy you a ticket to +10 key.

My bdk is 425, with my main rio 1400+. But pugs don’t want to take this bdk and I understand it well. Right now most people are 440 with at least 1k rio. So, pug leader has a lot of well-geared players to choose from.

My bdk can get into +9, yes. In case we complete it, than we try +10. But getting into +10 with 430 gear is hard today, even for a tank which are rare now.

Rio score is the main decider usually, or the fact someone with lust or a CR is wanted since most of the people in LFG but generally just bumping your score up helps. alot.

I do not know - I have taken great pride of not being any of the three and do all that as Survival Hunter.

More the funnier (or read: my surprise) when I looked at warcraft logs and found only 1300 of those killing Azshara … in heroic.

I think I truly do stand out by being a hunter with… a giant sword !

They are not very popular in m+ either, according our realms local RIO, doing most dungeons to +10 has made me ‘gold’ ranked.

Think positive - there are many ways you can stand out! Hihi

I mean I play frost DK, and my rio isnt that high and I dont have issues getting in 19ish keys so yeah.

I might be so off the mark, but i think M+ geared (traits for M+ that is), with essences around it and etc etc - can do quite crazy damage in dungeon. Not good DH’s level or something, but I love my frost dks numbers. And the fact I look darn hot (or should i say cold?) in my plate armor!

I suppose frost dks get taken to groups for same reason why people take survival hunters - the players behind them must be just so nice ! winks

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Play a META!!! No matter what score I got on this one, and my resto shaman…I am not a : DH, ROGUE, RESTO DRUID…so well, that :stuck_out_tongue:

As a guy that successfully manages to get all his chars to 10+ keys, this is my advice:

- Respec to prot

  • Find a group you can stick with and rotate so some keys you can DPS also
  • Buy a boost to get higher rating (I personally don’t do this, but I am sure it will help with your rating)
    - You mention being rejected, but I don’t see anywhere what happens to your own keys? What happened to getting your own keys to 10 and higher?

Things in bold are the most important in my eyes. If you expect to get invited to a 10, you will almost always get rejected because the supply is way higher than the demand.

He is 500 rio with 428 ilvl. There is just ‘better’ competition :frowning: Despite the 2 chesting temple +9.

Welp. I had same problem too. Being rejected even from 6-7 keys. This is because there are a lot of dd playing, i group leader can choose the best and overgeared(why wouldn’t he really?). The best option, is to make group yourself. Start with low key, and eventually you will get to 10 keys yourself, and YOU will be the one who choose overgeared people from 25+ dd’s.