Literally the mage in a RLP I joined. I pull thunderhead when everyone is up to avoid strays running into the breath.
The mage dies to the breath and releases.
Comes running back and dies to the breath again.
Literally the mage in a RLP I joined. I pull thunderhead when everyone is up to avoid strays running into the breath.
The mage dies to the breath and releases.
Comes running back and dies to the breath again.
Maybe they also consider to test with a team they pay, people who have training, and provide some sort of quality assurance to this game any more.
Well the need the point of view from the casual John. Whether they write up a full review or not. There are other ways of getting information out of people.
But they can also make a comparison to Hardcore Tom’s general performance, to Mid-Tier Jenny and then to Casual John. So they can balance it around all and everyone, rather than just tune it to Hardcore Tom.
yes this would be a solution.
SO which streamers work for wowhead and icy veigns?
Agree 100%. Even with a few tuning issues the 4 old dungeons feels so much better to run simply because you can at least see what is going on, and if you die from something at least you can tell what it was right away. Like you said, Nokhud design is just layers of bad decisions. Barely feels like you are doing anything except move out of poorly visualized ground effects or frontals.
I think overall it’s gotten way out of hand with the sheer amount of deadly spells and abilites each mob has. On top of that, Blizzard has a tendency to have vague visuals that are near impossible to see. Faint green aoe effect on top of green grass hill… Amazing idea.
To gather Data from Live Players playing on Live, which instead of Thousands On Beta, could be atleast a Million or more.
It’s the same everytime. They have told so themselves a multitude of times.
It is to gather the Data from the Masses in general.
true and resto shami F tier best balance kappa. They need to balance healers dos and tanks properly too!
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