Mythic+ Dungeon Tuning - 18 March

With hotfixes that are now live on all realms, we’ve made the following adjustments to Season 2 dungeons:


  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Chef Chewie’s High Steaks missile travel time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
    • Chef Chewie’s Compliments to the Chef aura no longer makes nearby creatures immune to crowd control.
    • Hired Muscle’s Volatile Keg damage over time duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
    • Benk Buzzbee’s Honey Marinade explosion damage reduced by 48%.
    • Ip’a’s Burning Fermentation’s damage over time reduced by 20%.
  • Darkflame Cleft
    • Timer reduced to 31 minutes (was 33 minutes).
    • Corridor Creeper’s Creeping Shadow can now be dispelled.
  • Operation: Floodgate
    • Swampface’s Mudslide damage reduced by 25%.
    • Darkfuse Jumpstarter’s Battery Bolt missile travel time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • Bubble’s Backwash initial impact damage reduced by 20%.
  • Operation Mechagon: Workshop
    • Fixed an issue that could cause Self-Trimming Hedge saws to not display during the Machinist Garden encounter.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Timer increased to 32 minutes, 30 seconds (was 31 minutes).
    • Baron Braunpyke will now use abilities in a consistent order.

You should reduce incoming damage overall a little in priory. The elementals ST nuke after the 2nd boss is too strong too.

I don’t know why you felt the need to remove Chewies aura, the dungeon isn’t any better for this change and I don’t think it was something players hated.


It reached the point where I see my key reroll to priory, I get a headache. It been so many bad runs in there at this point that it is becoming an automatic reflex to see Priory 13 show up in my inventory and sigh. The old man sigh. The sigh of someone who knows how this will turn out.

Half the time now, I just zone out. Close the game. Come back, just throw the best I can together and get that dead key out of the way. Fail it till it is a 10 or 9. Ignore the party chat and flamewar that is going on in there. Get a timed key, finally, usually a +++. And then get brewery.

Sigh. Repeat the process. Then get Priory.

Something really should be done about Priory to make it fun. The first pull is horrible in a PuG. AoE stops gets overlapped or come too close, and you can’t interupt the footmen shields anymore. The tank cant really move, as he being knocked around and - you know someone will panic and pull in a patrol you didnt know exists.

Remove the shields, tune down the damage or do something to make this whole dungeon experience less misserable from the get go.

It is not fun. It is a drag.

Fun should be focus. The focus.

Solution is not to put more minutes on the timer, as it wont stop these pulls from being done the way they are. It doesn’t improve the fun factor.


Should be increasing some of the other timers. Some dungeons are too tight whilst others are easy as anything. Oh and some of the mobs in dungeons aren’t balanced at all.

Agree, prio has way too many unavoidable crazy dmg. Especially heavy dots and paladin shields.

Just what I asked for last time you hotfixed, you guys rock :heart:

There’s still the minecart teleport stun that may get you killed though, and Kobold Taskworkers “Bonk!” isn’t being properly displayed (the effect swirlie isn’t big enough, you get hit slightly outside of it).

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This is so strange, you’re gonna get one shot by it anyways, and if you do get hit someone screwed up

Not just Priory tbh. Incoming damage is usually the reason keys fail, even when you’re going 1 pack at a time. Bit mean landing the bulk of responsibility on 1 player out of 5. No wonder nobody wants to heal.

Let’s have a bit more of “ok we can totally survive single pack pulls but will miss the timer, so what can we double pull to speed up?”

While i agree they are strong , u can do a route where u kill like one of those lightspawns which is manageable . The paladins and their toll is another story .

Also that miniboss deservs a nerf there .

Yep, 2 paladins group are crazy. Either swap one of them with justicar, or spread them more after the 2nd boss, if dmg nerf is not possible. 1 paladin each group is more manageable i think.

PVP is in desperate need for tuning
Why are you lazy pommes not doing some ?

Dont forget !

Its not the damage. Or the mechanics.

Its the changes they did to mob spell quew in WW. Those should be rolled back!

please nuke the last pack of motherlode into oblivion.
those 2 mobs have high hp, need constant movement with 2 insta kill mechanics and incredible high aoe dmg.

either need to lust them or death skip, that just sucks

It feels like the damage in Operation Floodgate is still too high on bosses (first boss is fine it’s managable (big momma).

The 2nd boss (duo) the dot from the boss seems to be scaling way too high, and you know for a fact you have to dispell this basically instantly because its so strong if you fall behind a second it cascades. And as a healer its pulling your attention way too much so the other mechanic fails and continues to cascade even more.

The 3rd boss Swamp face, the ticking damage is mostly ok to deal with but the slams just still seem a little high but unsure if its to do with the overlaps slightly as it’s Extreamly high demand in healing compared to other bosses.

I think its because of these two bosses it makes it elss desirable for healers to go there as they know they are going to be having a really bad time.

I’ve also noticed on swamp face with disc when you use ultimate penance, you will be forced beck to the ground and forced to stop casting which makes it almsot unsuable.

the last boss can be spicy but it is definatly manageable.